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Idle Speed


1. Turn off all accessories. Set parking brake and block drive wheels.
2. Connect tachometer to engine. Warm engine to normal operating temperature.
3. Connect a jumper wire between single wire STI test connector and ground.
4. Adjust idle speed to specification by turning idle air adjust screw. See SPECIFICATIONS.
5. Remove jumper wire.


Note: The idle mixture screw is sealed and preset at the factory. Idle mixture is not adjustable.


1. Make sure that the transmission is in PARK or NEUTRAL, A/C and heater in OFF position.
2. Using a jumper wire, attach single wire Self-Test Input (STI) test connector to ground. Connect timing light and tachometer.
3. Start engine and warm to operating temperature. Check base timing. See SPECIFICATIONS.
4. The White timing mark indicator should align with White mark on crankshaft pulley. Loosen distributor mounting bolt and adjust timing (as necessary).
5. Remove jumper wire from STI test connector. Raise engine RPM to verify distributor advances beyond base setting. Remove test equipment.