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Generic Scan Tool

These are general instructions for operating a generic scan tool. Refer to the manufacturer's manual for specific instructions.

- Perform necessary vehicle preparation and visual inspection.

- Connect scan tool to DLC.

- Turn ignition key to the "On" position or start vehicle (depending on the Pinpoint/diagnostic manual instructions for the data requested).

- Verify tool is connected and communicating properly (if necessary, enter the OBD II System Readiness Teat to verify communication On-Board System Readiness Test).

- If accessing a generic OBD II PID, go to the scan tool PID screen to access PIDs (no extended data entry should be required).

- If accessing a Ford PID, refer to the Expanded Diagnostic Protocol table for the string of characters that must be entered to access the PID. Expanded Diagnostic Protocol Table For NGS PIDs

- Enter the PID string to initiate data acquisition.

- View the requested information.

- When finished, turn ignition key to the "Off" position.

- Disconnect scan tool from vehicle.