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Connecting Rod, Engine

Connecting rod journal diameter 53.003-52.983 mm (2.0867-2.0859 inch)
Connecting rod journal maximum taper 0.004 mm (0.0002 inch)
Connecting rod journal maximum out-of-round between cross sections 0.0075 mm (0.0003 inch)
Connecting rod-to-pin clearance 0.009-0.023 mm (0.0004 0.0093 inch)
Connecting rod pin bore diameter 22.012-22.024 mm (0.8666-0.8671 inch)
Connecting rod length (centerline bore-to-bore) 169.1 mm (6.6575 inch)
Connecting rod maximum allowed bend ± 0.0 mm (+0.03 inch)
Connecting rod maximum allowed twist b ±0.0 mm (+0.04 inch)

b Full indicator measurement on all journals when supported on front and rear journals (4 places).

Connecting rod bolts
Tighten the bolts in two stages, using the sequence shown.
Tighten to 43 Nm (32 ft. lbs.)
Tighten an additional 105 degrees