1. Inspect the wiring harness and the connectors for damage, terminal condition, corrosion and seal integrity. Repair or install new components as required.
2. CAUTION: Prior to installation of the transmission assembly, the torque converter pilot hub must be lubricated.
Lubricate the torque converter pilot hub with multi-purpose grease.
3. CAUTION: Be sure not to raise the back of the transmission too high, if it makes contact with the underbody, damage to the turbine shaft speed (TSS) sensor can occur.
CAUTION: If a safety strap is being used to hold the transmission to the high lift transmission jack, place the strap behind the cooler bypass valve (CBV) to prevent damage to the cooler bypass valve.
NOTE: Due to the proximity of the exhaust pipe, the bolt must be installed into the converter housing mounting hole above the starter motor mounting area prior to raising the transmission into the vehicle.
Position, then raise the transmission into the vehicle while watching for obstructions.
4. CAUTION: Do not allow the torque converter drive flats to disengage from the pump gear. Use care not to damage the flexplate and the converter pilot. The torque converter must rest squarely against the flexplate, indicating the converter pilot is not binding in the crankshaft.
While installing the transmission to the engine, align the torque converter studs with the mounting holes in the flexplate.
5. Install and alternately snug the transmission-to-engine retaining bolts.
6. Install torque converter-to-flexplate nuts.
7. Install the cylinder block opening cover.
8. Install the flexplate inspection cover and bolts.
9. NOTE: If the transmission fluid cooler, cooler tubes, or cooler bypass valve have not been flushed it would be necessary to do so at this time.
Remove the plugs and connect the fluid cooler tubes to the CBV.
10. CAUTION: Be sure not to raise the back of the transmission too high, if it makes contact with the underbody, damage to the TSS sensor could occur.
Install the transmission support crossmember.
11. Install the rear transmission mount nuts.
12. Remove the high-lift transmission jack.
13. Install the transmission fluid pan-to-case retaining bolts.
14. Install the shift cable.
15. Connect the digital transmission range (TR) sensor connector.
16. Connect the solenoid body connector.
17. If equipped, install the exhaust heat shield and bolts.
18. Install the starter motor.
19. Install the driveshaft.
20. Use the following guidelines for the in-line transmission fluid filter:
^ If the transmission was overhauled and the vehicle was equipped with an in-line fluid filter, install a new in-line fluid filter.
^ If the transmission was overhauled and the vehicle was not equipped with an in-line fluid filter, install a new in-line fluid filter kit.
^ If the transmission is being installed for a non-internal repair, do not install an in-line filter or filter kit.
^ If installing a new or a Ford-authorized remanufactured transmission, install the in-line transmission fluid filter that is supplied.
Prior to lowering the vehicle, install a new in-line transmission filter or a filter kit.
21. Remove the supports and lower the vehicle.
22. Install and alternately snug, then tighten the transmission-to-engine bolts.
23. Connect the electrical harness connectors.
24. NOTE: Prior to installation, check the condition of the transmission fluid filler tube O-ring. Install new if damaged.
Install the fluid filler tube into the short fluid inlet tube. Tighten the nut.
25. Position the retaining bracket for the fluid filler tube and install the nut.
26. Install the vapor management valve.
27. Install the engine cover.
28. NOTE: This vehicle has adaptive shift strategies. Whenever the battery has been disconnected and reconnected, some abnormal drive symptoms will occur while the vehicle relearns its adaptive strategy. The customer needs to be notified that they may experience slightly different upshifts (either soft or firm) and that this is a temporary condition that will eventually return to normal operating condition.
Connect the battery ground cable.
29. Install the transmission fluid level indicator.
30. Install the air cleaner air intake duct assembly.
31. Fill the transmission to the specified level using clean automatic transmission fluid.