Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Internal Harness Service

Internal Harness Service

1. Remove the main control solenoid body.

2. Disconnect the internal wiring harness.
1. Remove the two screws.
2. Disconnect the transmission fluid temperature sensor electrical connector.
3. Disconnect the solenoid electrical connectors.

3. Remove the bulkhead connector O-ring.
4. Lift the tab twisting the bulkhead connector, and push it through the solenoid body, and remove the wire harness.

1. Push the bulkhead connector through the transmission solenoid body, twist it to lock it in place.

2. Connect the internal wiring harness.
1. Install the two screws.
2. Connect the transmission fluid temperature sensor electrical connector.
3. Connect the solenoid electrical connectors.

3. NOTE: The O-ring must be installed in the top slot.

Install a new solenoid body bulkhead connector O-ring.
4. Install the solenoid body.