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Emission Control Systems: Application and ID

VECI Decal

Typical Vehicle Emission Control Information (VECI) Decal:

Each vehicle has a VECI decal (Figure 1) containing emission control information that applies specifically to the vehicle and engine. The specifications on the decal are critical to servicing emissions systems.

VECI Decal Location
Typical location of the decal will be on the underside of the hood or the radiator support sight shield.

Base Engine Calibration Information

Typical Car Vehicle Certification Label:

Typical Truck Vehicle Certification Label:

Base Engine Calibration Information also sometimes refer to as the Powertrain Calibration is located in the lower right corner of the Vehicle Certification (VC) Label. Engine calibration information is limited to a maximum of five characters per line (two lines maximum). Calibration information more than five characters long will wrap to the second line of this field. Only the Base Calibration will appear on this label, see (Figure 3) for Car and (Figure 4) for Truck. The Revision Level is no longer printed on the label; however, it can be found in On-Line Automotive Service Information System (OASIS). For more information on Vehicle Certification Label or Engine Calibration, refer to Vehicle/Application and ID.

Decal Location
Typical location of Vehicle Certification label is on LH door or door post pillar.

Engine Calibration Code

Part 1:

Part 2: