Axle Assembly
Axle AssemblyRemoval and Installation
1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.
2. Remove the disc brake caliper bolts and the disc brake caliper.
^ Using mechanic's wire, position aside the disc brake caliper.
^ To install, tighten to 30 Nm (22 ft. lbs.).
3. Index-mark the driveshaft flange and pinion flange for correct alignment during installation.
4. Remove the 4 driveshaft flange bolts.
5. CAUTION: The driveshaft centering socket yoke fits tightly on the pinion flange pilot. Never hammer on the driveshaft or any of its components to disconnect the driveshaft centering socket yoke from the pinion flange. Pry only in the area shown with a suitable tool to disconnect the driveshaft centering socket yoke from the pinion flange.
Using a suitable tool as shown, disconnect the driveshaft centering socket yoke from the pinion flange.
^ Using mechanic's wire, position the driveshaft aside.
6. Disconnect the disc brake anti-lock sensor from the axle.
NOTE: If the vent hose is disconnected from the vehicle body, a new retainer must be installed.
7. Remove the vent hose.
8. Remove the brake hose junction block bolt.
^ To install, tighten to 18 Nm (13 ft. lbs.).
9. Separate the parking brake cables from the axle housing.
^ To install, tighten to 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.).
10. Remove the brake line bracket bolt, then remove the brake line from the brake line retaining clips.
^ To install, tighten to 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.).
11. Remove the parking brake cables.
12. Support the axle with a suitable transmission jack.
13. Remove the lower shock absorber nuts and bolts.
^ To install, tighten to 90 Nm (66 ft. lbs.).
14. Remove the rear axle U-bolt assembly.
1 Remove the spring plate nuts.
2 Remove the 2 spring plate U-bolts.
3 Remove the spring plate.
4 Repeat the procedure for the other side.
^ To install, tighten to 115 Nm (85 ft. lbs.).
15. Lower the axle assembly from the vehicle.
16. To install the original assembly, reverse the removal procedure.
17. To install a factory replacement axle assembly, remove the new disc brake calipers and the vent plug. Follow the removal procedure in reverse.
18. Check the rear axle fluid level after installation.