Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Shift Control Housing

Shift Control Housing

1. Place the shift control housing on a bench and support the housing using 4x4 blocks of wood.

2. Remove the 3 lower gearshift lever bolts and the lower gearshift lever.

3. Remove the reverse lamp switch and pin.

4. Rotate the shift control housing and support the housing with a block of wood.

5. Remove and discard the shift gate spring pins.

6. Remove the rubber service bore plugs.

7. Remove and discard the shift fork spring pins.

8. WARNING: Wear safety glasses while carrying out the shift rail removal procedure.

CAUTION: Carry out the following shift rail removal procedures with great care. Cover the lockball and friction device bores and spring seats with a clean cloth held firmly into place during shift rail removal. Failure to cover bores can result in component loss when the ball/friction device and spring forcefully leave their installed positions.

NOTE: When removing the shift rails, collect and separate the interlock pins to make sure of installation into their original locations.

Remove the 1st/2nd gear shift gate.

9. Using a suitable punch in the spring pin bore, remove the 1st/2nd gear shift rail.

10. Using a suitable punch in the spring pin bore, remove the 3rd/4th gear shift gate and the 3rd/4th shift rail.

11. Remove the 1st/2nd gear shift fork and the 3rd/4th shift fork.

12. Using a suitable punch in the spring pin bore, remove the 5th/reverse shift gate and the 5th/6th reverse shift rail.

13. Remove the 3 gear selector interlock sleeve bolts and the gear selector interlock sleeve.

14. Remove the detent check balls and springs.

15. Remove the detents and springs, then the lockpins.

1. Inspect the forks for wear or damage. Install new forks as necessary.

2. Inspect the contact surface of the shift fork and synchronizer sleeve for wear or damage.

3. Install the gear selector interlock sleeve and the bolts.
^ Tighten to 9 Nm (80 inch lbs.).

4. Install the following components:
1 Fifth/reverse shift gate
2 Detent ball and spring
3 Fifth/reverse shift rail

5. Install the lockpin.

6. Install the detent and spring.

7. Install the shift forks.

8. Install the following components:
^ Detent ball and spring
^ 3rd/4th gear shift gate
^ 3rd/4th gear shift rail

9. Install the detent and spring, then the lockpin.

10. Install the following components:
^ Detent ball and spring
^ 1st/2nd shift rail

11. Install the 1st/2nd gear shift gate.

12. Install the rubber service bore plugs.

13. NOTE: Pins must protrude 1.5 mm (0.06 inch).

Install new shift gate spring pins.

14. NOTE: Pins must be flush to shift forks.

Install new shift fork spring pins.

15. Install the reverse lamp switch pin and the reverse lamp switch.
^ Tighten to 30 Nm (22 ft. lbs.).

16. Install the lower gearshift lever.
^ Tighten to 9 Nm (80 inch lbs.).