Acronyms and Definitions
ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONSNOTE: This acronyms and definitions listing contains technical terms applicable to Ford Motor Company products. It is not intended to be an all-inclusive dictionary of components and their functions. If a detailed description of a particular system or component is desired, refer to the applicable section within Computers and Control Systems or refer to the Description and Operation for that system or component for additional information regarding the specific vehicle being repaired.
2V: Two valves per engine cylinder
3V: Three valves per engine cylinder
4V: Four valves per engine cylinder
4WD: Four Wheel Drive
ABS: Antilock Braking System
A/C: Air Conditioning
A/CC: Air Conditioning Clutch
A/CCR: Air Conditioning Clutch Control Relay
ACCS: Air Conditioning Cycling Switch
ACET: Air Conditioning Evaporator Temperature
ACP: Air Conditioning Pressure
ACPSW: Air Conditioning Pressure Switch
A/D: Analog-to-Digital. Analog-to-Digital signal conversion.
APP: Accelerator Pedal Position
BARO: Barometric Pressure
BJB: Battery Junction Box
BPP: Brake Pedal Position
BPS: Brake Pedal Switch
BTDC: Before Top Dead Center
CAC: Charge Air Cooler. A device which lowers the temperature of pressurized intake air.
CAN: Controller Area Network
CCM: Comprehensive Component Monitor
CF: Cooling Fan
CHT: Cylinder Head Temperature
CKP: Crankshaft Position
CL: Closed Loop. An operating condition or mode which enables operation based on sensor feedback.
CMCV: Charge Motion Control Valve
CMP: Camshaft Position
CO: Carbon Monoxide. A colorless, odorless, and toxic gas that is a component of auto exhaust emissions.
CO2: Carbon Dioxide. A colorless, odorless gas that is a normal by-product of the combustion of fuel.
COP: Coil On Plug. Ignition coil on plug assembly.
CPP: Clutch Pedal Position
CPU: Central Processing Unit
CTO: Clean Tach Output. Signal used to drive the instrument panel tachometer.
CV: Canister Vent Solenoid. A solenoid which seals the evaporative emission (EVAP) system from the atmosphere during the EVAP monitor test.
CVT: Continuously Variable Transmission
DBA: Driver Brake Application
DC: 1. Direct Current. Electric current flowing in one direction. 2. Duty Cycle. The voltage measurement of ON time versus the full cycle period, expressed in percent.
DEPS: Dual Equal Phase Shifting
DIPS: Dual Independent Phase Shifting
DLC: Data Link Connector. SAE standard J1962 connector providing access to vehicle diagnostic information.
DMM: Digital Multimeter
DRI: Deposit Resistant Injector
DTM: Diagnostic Test Mode. A level of capability in an OBD system.
DTC: Diagnostic Trouble Code. An alpha/numeric identifier for a concern identified by the OBD system.
E10: Fuel containing 10% ethanol
E85: Fuel containing 85% ethanol
EATC: Electronic Automatic Temperature Control
ECM: Electronic Control Module
ECT: Engine Coolant Temperature
EEC: Electronic Engine Control
EEGR: Electric Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-only Memory
EGR: Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EI: Electronic Ignition
EMD: Engine Manufacturers Diagnostics
EMI: Electromagnetic Interference. Usually caused by ignition voltage spikes, solenoids, relay operation, or noisy generator contacts.
EONV: Engine Off Natural Vacuum
EOT: Engine Oil Temperature
EPS: Exhaust Phase Shifting
E-Quizzer: Enhanced Quizzer
ERFS: Electronic Returnless Fuel System
ESM: EGR System Module
ESOF: Electronic Shift-on-the-Fly
ETB: Electronic Throttle Body
ETBTACM: Electronic Throttle Body Throttle Actuator Control Motor
ETBTPS: Electronic Throttle Body Throttle Position Sensor
ETC: Electronic Throttle Control
ETCREF: Electronic Throttle Control Reference Voltage
ETCRTN: Electronic Throttle Control Return
EVAPCP: Evaporative Canister Purge Valve. A valve which controls the venting of fuel vapor from the evaporative emissions canister into the intake manifold for combustion.
FAOS: Fore-Aft Oxygen Sensor
FC: Fan Control
FCIL: Fuel Cap Indicator Lamp. Indicates that the fuel filler cap is not correctly installed.
FEPS: Flash EEPROM Programming Signal. An 18-volt DC signal input from the scan tool used by the PCM to initiate programming.
FFV: Flexible Fuel Vehicle
FLI: Fuel Level Input. Provides information on the amount of liquid fuel in the fuel tank. Used by the EVAP monitor to calculate the fuel tank vapor volume. Displayed as a percentage.
FMEM: Failure Mode Effects Management. Operating strategy that maintains limited vehicle function in the event of a PCM or EEC component failure.
FP: Fuel Pump
FPC: Fuel Pump Control
FPDM: Fuel Pump Driver Module. A module that controls the electric fuel pump.
FPM: Fuel Pump Monitor
FRP: Fuel Rail Pressure
FRPT: Fuel Rail Pressure Temperature
FSS: Fan Speed Sensor
FTP: Fuel Tank Pressure
FWD: Front Wheel Drive
GND: Ground
GPM: 1. Grams per Mile. 2. Gallons per Minute.
H: Hydrogen
HC: 1. Hydrocarbon. A by-product of combustion and a component of auto exhaust emissions. 2. High Compression.
HDR: High Data Rate
HLOS: Hardware Limited Operating Strategy. A mode of operation where the PCM uses fixed values in response to internal PCM concerns in place of output commands.
HO2S: Heated Oxygen Sensor. Provides information on rich or lean exhaust conditions to the PCM.
Hz: Hertz. Cycles per second.
IAC: Idle Air Control. Electrical control of throttle bypass air.
IAT: Intake Air Temperature
IAT2: Intake Air Temperature 2. Used on supercharged vehicles.
IDM: Ignition Diagnostic Monitor
IFS: Inertia Fuel Shut-Off
I/M: Inspection/Maintenance
IMRC: Intake Manifold Runner Control. Controls or modifies airflow in the intake air system.
IMRCM: Intake Manifold Runner Control Monitor. Monitors the IMRC circuits for concerns.
IMTV: Intake Manifold Tuning Valve. Controls airflow through runners in a split intake manifold.
INJ: Injector
IPC: Independent Plausibility Checker
IPS: Intake Phase Shifting
ISO: International Standards Organization
KAM: Keep Alive Memory. A portion of the memory within the PCM that must have power even when the vehicle is not operating.
KAPWR: Keep Alive Power. A dedicated and unswitched power circuit that maintains KAM.
KOEO Self-Test: Key On Engine Off self-test. A test of the EEC system conducted by the PCM with power applied and the engine at rest.
KOER Self-Test: Key On Engine Running self-test. A test of the EEC system conducted by the PCM with the engine running and the vehicle at rest.
Km/h: Kilometers per Hour
kPa: Kilopascal. Unit of pressure. 3.386 kPa equals 1 (in-Hg).
KS: Knock Sensor
L: Liters. The unit of volume in the metric measuring system. One liter equals 1.06 quarts.
LDR: Low Data Rate
LONGFT: Long-Term Fuel Trim. Fuel flow adjustment determined by the PCM.
LOS: Limited Operating Strategy
MAF: Mass Air Flow
MAP: Manifold Absolute Pressure. The internal pressure of the intake manifold.
MFF: Misfire Freeze Frame
MIL: Malfunction Indicator Lamp. An indicator lamp alerting the driver of an emission related concern.
MRFS: Mechanical Returnless Fuel System
MSOF: Manual Shift-on-the-Fly
N: Nitrogen
NMOG: Non-Methane Organic Gases
NOx: Oxides of Nitrogen. Gasses formed at high combustion temperatures.
OASIS: On-line Automotive Service Information System
OHC: Overhead Cam. An engine configuration that uses a single camshaft positioned above the valves.
OL: Open Loop. An operating condition based on instructions not modified by PCM feedback.
OSC: Output State Control
OSR: On-Board System Readiness
OTM: Output Test Mode
PATS: Passive Anti-Theft System
PCM: Powertrain Control Module
PCM-VSO: Powertrain Control Module - Vehicle Speed Output
PCV: Positive Crankcase Ventilation
PCVTE: Positive Crankcase Ventilation Thermal Extension
Pd: Palladium
PDJB: Power Distribution Junction Box
PID: Parameter Identification. Identifies an address in the PCM memory which contains operating information.
PIP: Profile Ignition Pickup. Provides crankshaft position information for ignition synchronization.
PPM: Parts per Million. A measure used in emission analysis.
PS: Pressure Switch
PSP: Power Steering Pressure. Indicates the pressure in the power steering system.
PSPT: Power Steering Pressure Transducer
Pt: Platinum
PTO: Power Take-Off
PTS: Professional Technician Society
PWM: Pulse Width Modulation. Controls the intensity of an output by varying the signal duty cycle.
PWR GND: Power Ground. The main ground circuit in the EEC system.
RAM: Random Access Memory. Memory into which information can be written as well as read.
RFI: Radio Frequency Interference
Rh: Rhodium
ROM: Read-only Memory. Computer memory that can be accessed and used, but not altered.
RPM: Revolutions Per Minute
RWD: Rear Wheel Drive
SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers
SCB: Supercharger Bypass
SFI: Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection. A multiport fuel delivery system in which individually energized and timed relative to its cylinder intake event.
SHRTFT: Short-Term Fuel Trim. Fuel flow adjustment in response to the HO2S sensor(s) input during closed-loop operation.
SIG RTN: Signal Return. A dedicated sensor ground circuit that is common to 2 or more sensors.
SJB: Smart Junction Box
SMR: Starter Motor Request
TAC: Throttle Actuator Control
TACM: Throttle Actuator Control Motor
TCM: Transmission Control Module
TCSS: Transfer Case Speed Sensor
TDC: Top Dead Center
TP: Throttle Position
TPPC: Throttle Plate Position Controller
TSB: Technical Service Bulletin. Notifies technician of any known vehicle concerns, procedures, or general repair information.
TWC: Three-Way Catalytic
VBPWR: Vehicle Buffered Power. A PCM-supplied power source that supplies regulated voltage.
VCM: Vehicle Communication Module
VCT: Variable Camshaft Timing
VECI: Vehicle Emission Control Information
VID: Vehicle Identification
VIN: Vehicle identification Number. A unique identification number given to every vehicle produced. Includes information about the year, model, engine, and plant origin of the vehicle.
VMV: Vapor Management Valve
VPWR: Vehicle Power. A switched circuit that provides power to the EEC system. Compare to battery voltage (B+).
VR: Variable Reluctance
VREF: Reference Voltage. A dedicated circuit that provides an approximately 5.0 volt signal used as a reference by certain sensors.
WAC: Wide Open Throttle Air Conditioning Cutoff
WOT: Wide Open Throttle. A condition of maximum airflow through the throttle body.
NOTE: The automatic transmission naming convention is as follows:
- The first character, a number, is the number of forward gears.
- The second character, either the letter F or R, represents front (transaxle) or rear (transmission) wheel drive.
- The next set of characters, a grouping of numbers, represents the design torque capacity of the transmission/transaxle.
- The last character, if used, is one of the following:
- E for electronic shift
- N for non-synchronous shift
- S for synchronous shift
- W for wide ratio
As an example, for the 4F27E transaxle, the number of forward gears is 4, the character F indicates front transaxle, 27 represents 270 ft-lbs of torque capacity and the character E represents an electronic shift.
- A/T: Automatic Transmission
- CCS: Coast Clutch Solenoid
- EPC: Electronic Pressure Control
- ESS: Electronic Shift Scheduling
- ISS: Intermediate/Input Shaft Speed Sensor
- M/T: Manual Transmission/Transaxle
- OCS: Overdrive Cancel Switch
- OSS: Output Shaft Speed. Indicates the rotational speed of the transmission output shaft.
- PNP: Park/Neutral Position switch.
- REVERSE or REV: Transmission Reverse Switch Input
- SSA/SSB/SSC/SSD/SSE: Shift solenoids. Devices in an automatic transmission that control the shifting by varying fluid flow when commanded by the PCM.
- SS1/SS2/SS3: Shift solenoids. Devices in an automatic transmission that control the shifting by varying fluid flow when commanded by the PCM.
- TCC: Torque Converter Clutch. When energized, causes a mechanical engagement and disengagement of the torque converter clutch.
- TCIL: Transmission Control Indicator Lamp. Indicates that the TCS has been activated.
- TCS: Transmission Control Switch. Modifies the operation of electronically controlled transmissions.
- TFT: Transmission Fluid Temperature. Indicates the temperature of transmission fluid.
- TR: Transmission Range. The range in which the transmission is operating.
- TSS: Turbine Shaft Speed. Indicates the rotational speed of the transmission turbine shaft.
- VSS: Vehicle Speed Sensor. A magnetic pickup device that generates an AC signal that is proportional to the vehicle speed.
- VSOUT: Vehicle Speed Output. A pulse width modulated vehicle speed signal.