Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Manual Control Lever Shaft and Seal

Manual Control Lever Shaft and Seal


CAUTION: Use care not to damage the manual control lever shaft bore. The new seal can leak.

CAUTION: Discard the outer manual control lever shaft nut. Do not reuse. The old nut will not retain the torque specification.

NOTE: When removing the manual control lever shaft retaining pin, use a soft cloth to protect the surface of the case.

All vehicles
1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.

Four wheel drive (4WD) vehicles
2. Remove the front driveshaft shield nuts and remove the shield.

3. NOTE: Index-mark the front and rear flange.

NOTE: It is not necessary to remove the front driveshaft from the vehicle.

Index-mark the front and rear flange, disconnect the front driveshaft and position aside.

All vehicles
4. Loosen, but do not remove the transmission fluid pan bolts and allow the transmission fluid to drain. Once the transmission fluid has drained, remove the bolts.

5. Remove the transmission fluid pan and gasket.

6. Disconnect the selector lever cable end.

7. Disconnect the digital transmission range (TR) electrical connector.

8. CAUTION: Discard the outer manual control lever shaft nut. Do not reuse. The old nut will not retain the torque specification.

Remove the manual control lever.
1 Remove and discard the manual control lever nut.
2 Remove the manual control lever.

9. Remove the digital TR sensor bolts and the sensor.

10. Remove the manual control valve detent lever bolt and spring.

11. Remove the manual control lever shaft retaining pin.

12. Remove the inner manual control lever shaft nut and slide the manual control lever shaft out of the case.

13. Remove the parking lever actuating rod.
1 Remove the manual valve detent lever.
2 Remove the parking lever actuating rod.

14. Remove the manual control lever shaft seal.


All vehicles
1. Using the special tool, install the manual control lever seal.

2. Install the parking lever actuating rod.
1 Install the parking lever actuating rod.
2 Install the manual valve detent lever.

3. Install the manual control lever shaft.
1 Install the manual control lever shaft.
2 Install the inner manual control lever shaft nut.
^ Tighten to 31 Nm (23 lb-ft).
3 Install the manual valve control lever shaft retaining pin.

4. Install the manual control valve detent lever spring and bolt.
^ Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).

5. Install the digital TR sensor and loosely install the bolts.

6. NOTE: The manual control lever must be in the NEUTRAL position.

Using the special tool, align the digital TR sensor slots. The tool is designed to fit snug.

7. CAUTION: Tightening one screw before tightening the other may cause the digital transmission range (TR) sensor to bind or become damaged.

Tighten the digital TR sensor bolts.
^ Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).

8. Install the manual control lever.
1 Position the manual control lever.
2 Install a new manual control lever nut.
^ Tighten to 33 Nm (24 lb-ft).

9. Connect the digital TR sensor electrical connector.

10. NOTE: When installing the selector lever cable, make sure that the selector lever cable locking tabs are locked in place and the selector lever cable end is snapped onto the ball stud. Press the selector lever cable into the selector lever cable bracket and listen for the selector lever cable to click in place. Pull back on the selector lever cable to make sure that it is locked into the selector lever cable bracket. Also make sure that the selector lever cable end is correctly installed onto the ball stud. Pull back on the selector lever cable end to make sure that the selector lever cable end is correctly installed.

Connect the selector lever cable end to the manual control lever with the lever in the (D) position.

11. Position the pan magnet into the transmission fluid pan.

12. NOTE: The transmission fluid pan gasket is reusable. Clean and inspect for damage; if not damaged, the transmission fluid pan gasket should be reused.

Install the transmission fluid pan and gasket.
1 Position the transmission fluid pan and gasket.
2 Install the transmission fluid pan bolts.
^ Tighten to 14 Nm (10 lb-ft).

4WD vehicles
13. Install the front driveshaft and align the index marks made during removal. Install the 4 bolts.
^ Tighten to 103 Nm (76 lb-ft).

14. Install the front driveshaft shield and install the 2 nuts.
^ Tighten to 18 Nm (13 lb-ft).

All vehicles

15. NOTE: Start by filling the transmission with 4.7L (5 qt) of clean transmission fluid.

Fill the transmission to the correct level with clean transmission fluid.