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Brake Shift Interlock Override - Column Shift

Brake Shift Interlock Override - Column Shift

NOTE: If it is necessary to use the override procedure to move the selector lever out of the PARK position, it is possible that a fuse has blown and the brake lights are not operational. Before driving the vehicle, verify that the brake lights are working.

This vehicle is equipped with a brake shift interlock feature that prevents the selector lever from being moved out of PARK when the ignition is in the ON position unless the brake pedal is depressed.

If the selector lever cannot be moved out of the PARK position when the ignition is in the ON position and the brake pedal is depressed:

1. Apply the parking brake.
2. Turn the key to the ON position.
3. Remove the access panel.

4. Using a suitable tool, push the brake shift interlock actuator (BSIA) button, apply the brake and move the selector lever into NEUTRAL.

5. Start the vehicle.
6. To install, reverse the procedure.