Cylinder Head - Installation - Body Off
Cylinder Head - Body Off
Left Cylinder Head
Right Cylinder Head
NOTE: It is recommended that this component be serviced with the vehicle body removed. If the body was not removed, refer to Cylinder Head - Body On Cylinder Head - Installation - Body On.
Both cylinder heads
1. Install 4 new cylinder head dowels.
2. NOTE: Install a new cylinder head gasket with the part number facing up. Verify the top 5 bolt holes and the head gasket push rod holes line up.
NOTE: Use care to avoid scratching the blue compound on the cylinder head gaskets.
Place the 2 new cylinder head gaskets over the dowels and onto the crankcase.
3. NOTICE: When installing the right cylinder head, maintain clearance to the high-pressure fuel injection pump electrical connector or damage to the electrical connector may occur.
NOTE: LH shown, RH similar.
With the help of an assistant, using the Heavy Duty Floor Crane and Cylinder Head Lifting Bracket, install the cylinder heads.
4. Install the 10 outer bolts for the cylinder heads.
- Tighten finger-tight.
5. NOTICE: Using too much engine oil on the threads of the cylinder head bolts may cause damage to the threads and poor sealing. Using anti-seize compounds, grease or any other lubricants other than engine oil on the cylinder head bolt threads may affect the true torque value of the bolts.
NOTE: Lightly lubricate the new cylinder head bolt threads and flanges with clean engine oil.
Install the 20 cylinder head retaining bolts for the cylinder heads.
- Tighten finger-tight.
6. NOTE: If bolt chatter occurs during Stage 4 or 5, loosen the bolt and repeat Stage 3.
Tighten the cylinder head bolts in 7 stages in the sequence shown:
- Stage 1: Tighten bolts 1 through 10 to 95 Nm (70 lb-ft).
- Stage 2: Loosen bolts 1 through 10.
- Stage 3: Tighten bolts 1 through 10 to 156 Nm (115 lb-ft).
- Stage 4: Tighten bolts in sequence 1 through 10, an additional 90 degrees.
- Stage 5: Tighten bolts in sequence 1 through 10, a second time, an additional 90 degrees.
- Stage 6: Tighten bolts 11 through 15 to 24 Nm (18 lb-ft).
- Stage 7: Tighten bolts 11 through 15 to 31 Nm (23 lb-ft).
7. NOTE: Lubricate the seal with clean engine oil prior to installation.
If necessary, install a new seal for the high-pressure fuel rail.
8. Install the new press-in-place gaskets, the valve cover bases and the 22 bolts.
- Tighten to 13 Nm (115 lb-in).
9. NOTICE: To prevent engine damage, keep the push rods in the order in which they were removed. Install all push rods back in their original positions.
NOTE: Install the copper ends of the push rods up.
Apply clean engine oil to each end of the 16 push rods and insert them into their respective positions.
10. NOTE: Coat the end of each valve stem with clean engine oil.
Install the 16 valve bridges.
11. Position the 2 rocker arm spacer bars.
12. NOTE: Apply clean engine oil to the top center of each valve bridge and rocker arm ball socket.
Install the rocker arm assemblies and the 16 bolts in the following sequence.
1. Position the crankshaft No. 1 and No. 4 cylinders at approximately Top Dead Center (TDC) by observing the damper dowel pin and clocking it to the 10:30 position (as viewed from the front of the engine).
2. Determine which cylinder is actually in the firing position by observing the push rods for the No. 3 intake and No. 8 intake valves.
3. If the No. 3 intake push rod shows cam lift, this is the No. 1 firing position. Tighten only fulcrum plates No. 1, 2, 7, 8 per Substeps 4 through 6. If the No. 8 intake push rod shows cam lift, this is the No. 4 firing position. Tighten only fulcrum plates No. 3, 4, 5, 6 per Substeps 4 through 6.
4. Partially run down both M10 bolts until they contact the fulcrum plate.
5. Fully run down and tighten the inboard (upper) bolt.
- Tighten to 61 Nm (45 lb-ft).
6. Fully run down and tighten the outboard (lower) bolt.
- Tighten to 61 Nm (45 lb-ft).
7. Rotate the crankshaft one revolution to position it at the alternate cylinder TDC (dowel again at 10:30 position).
8. Identify the remaining group of fulcrum plates per Substep 3 and tighten per Substeps 4 through 6.
9. Verify that the pivot foot is centered on the valve bridge.
13. NOTE: The bead on the soft steel washer must be installed facing out.
NOTE: Lubricate the O-ring seal with clean engine oil.
Install a new O-ring seal and soft steel washer on the fuel injectors.
14. NOTICE: Failure to tighten the fuel injector correctly may lead to engine failure.
NOTICE: To prevent engine damage, do not use air tools to install the fuel injectors. The snap ring that extracts the fuel injector may dislodge and fall into the oil drain hole.
Install the fuel injector, the fuel injector hold-down and bolt.
- Tighten to 2 Nm (18 lb-in).
15. NOTE: LH shown, RH similar.
Install the high-pressure fuel rails and 4 bolts.
- Tighten hand-tight.
16. NOTE: Use a back-up wrench on the fuel injector fittings.
NOTE: Use a crowfoot wrench to aid in tightening the fuel injector supply tube.
Install the new fuel injector supply tubes in the following sequence.
1. Remove the Fuel System Caps from the high-pressure fuel rail and the fuel injectors one at a time prior to assembly of each tube.
2. Position the 4 fuel injector supply tubes (one at a time) between the high-pressure fuel rail and fuel injectors and fully hand start and seat the tube nuts onto the mating high-pressure fuel rail and fuel injector connectors. Snug the fuel injector supply tube nuts using the inside-out step sequence (2 inside nuts first, then 2 outside nuts).
- Calculate the correct torque wrench setting for the following torque.
- Tighten to 2 Nm (18 lb-in).
3. Tighten the fuel injector hold-down clamp bolts.
- Tighten to 38 Nm (28 lb-ft).
4. Tighten the high-pressure fuel rail bolts.
- Tighten to 31 Nm (23 lb-ft).
5. NOTE: Pre-tighten the 4 fuel injector supply tube nuts at the fuel injectors first, then the 4 nuts at the high-pressure fuel rail.
Pre-tighten the fuel injector supply tube nuts at the fuel injectors and the high-pressure fuel rail.
- Calculate the correct torque wrench setting for the following torque.
- Tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).
6. NOTE: Place a visible mark with a permanent marker on the high-pressure fuel rail and fuel injector threaded connection. Turning the tube nuts one flat of the nut is equal to 60 degrees.
Complete the tightening of the fuel injector supply tube nuts at the fuel injectors and the high-pressure fuel rail.
- Tighten the tube nuts 60 degrees.
17. NOTE: The terminals in the fuel charging harness plug are not serviced, install a new fuel charging harness if damaged.
NOTE: Inspect the O-ring seal for damage or swelling prior to installing, install a new O-ring seal if necessary.
NOTE: LH shown, RH similar.
Install the fuel charging harness electrical connectors into the valve cover base.
18. NOTE: LH shown, RH similar.
Position the fuel charging harnesses on the high-pressure fuel rail and connect the 8 fuel injector electrical connectors.
19. Connect the Fuel Rail Pressure (FRP) sensor electrical connector.
20. Install the 8 glow plugs.
- Tighten to 14 Nm (124 lb-in).
21. NOTICE: To prevent engine damage, do not use air-powered tools when installing the valve cover.
NOTE: LH shown, RH similar.
NOTE: Alternate tightening the bolts to tighten evenly.
Install new press-in-place gasket. Install the valve cover, 6 bolts and 4 stud bolts.
- Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).
RH cylinder head
22. Position the crankcase vent oil separator tube. Install the 2 bolts and nut.
- Tighten the nut to 13 Nm (115 lb-in).
- Tighten the bolts to 25 Nm (18 lb-ft).
23. NOTE: Only one glow plug connector shown.
Install the glow plug harness and connect the retainer.
- Make sure the seals are securely seated in the valve cover.
24. If equipped, position back the transmission fluid indicator and tube. Install the retaining nut.
- Tighten to 8 Nm (71 lb-in).
25. Position back the engine wiring harness and connect the wire retainer. Connect the glow plug electrical connector and A/C pressure switch electrical connector.
26. NOTE: The Front End Accessory Drive (FEAD) is not tightened until the intake manifold is installed. The FEAD will need to be positioned out in the intake manifold procedure to install the copper sealing washer and banjo bolt.
Position the FEAD assembly and hand start one fastener.
27. Connect the wire retainer and the electrical connector for the generator. Install the nut for the generator wiring and position the boot back.
- Tighten to 8 Nm (71 lb-in).
28. If equipped with dual generations, install the nut and position back the boot. Connect the generator electrical connector.
29. Install the accessory drive belt idler pulley and bolt.
- Tighten to 47 Nm (35 lb-ft).
30. NOTE: Use a back-up wrench to prevent the fittings in the high-pressure fuel injection pump from turning. If the fittings move, the high-pressure fuel injection pump fittings must be retightened. Refer to Fuel Injection Pump Fitting Re-Torque in Fuel Delivery and Air Induction.
NOTE: It will be necessary to use a thin or low profile wrench to hold the fittings on the high-pressure fuel injection pump.
NOTE: Use a crowfoot wrench to aid in tightening the fuel rail supply tube.
Install the new RH fuel rail supply tube in the following sequence.
1. Remove the Fuel System Caps from the fuel rail supply tube openings.
2. NOTE: Support the tube while hand snugging the nut to make sure of correct assembly of the joints.
Position the fuel rail supply tube between the high-pressure fuel injection pump and high-pressure fuel rail. Fully hand start and seat the tube nuts onto the high-pressure fuel injection pump and high-pressure fuel rail.
3. Snug the tube nuts.
- Calculate the correct torque wrench setting for the following torque.
- Tighten to 2 Nm (18 lb-in).
4. Pre-tighten the high-pressure fuel injection pump and high-pressure fuel rail tube nuts.
- Calculate the correct torque wrench setting for the following torque.
- Tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).
5. NOTE: Place a visible mark with a permanent marker on the high-pressure fuel rail and high-pressure fuel pump threaded connection. Turning the tube nuts one flat of the nut is equal to 60 degrees.
Final-tighten the fuel rail supply tube nuts.
- Tighten the tube nuts 60 degrees.
LH cylinder head
31. NOTE: Install a new O-ring seal on the tube and a new clamp on the hose.
NOTE: Hand start both bolts prior to tightening the bolts.
Install the EGR cooler tube and install the 2 bolts.
- Tighten to 13 Nm (115 lb-in).
32. NOTICE: The coolant hose clamps used on this engine are constant tension worm gear clamps. Standard worm gear clamps cannot be used. Failure to use the correct coolant hose clamps may result in hose joint failure.
Tighten the clamp for the EGR cooler hose.
- Tighten to 4 Nm (35 lb-in).
33. Install the bolt for the fuel supply and return tube retainer.
- Tighten to 31 Nm (23 lb-ft).
34. NOTE: Install a new O-ring seal.
Install the LH heater tube and 2 bolts.
- Tighten to 13 Nm (115 lb-in).
35. Connect the wiring to the heater return tube.
36. Position the LH valve cover bracket and the Exhaust Pressure (EP) sensor tube assembly. Install the 4 retaining nuts.
- Tighten to 9 Nm (80 lb-in).
37. NOTE: Only one glow plug connector shown.
Install the glow plug harness and connect the pin-type retainers.
- Make sure the seals are securely seated in the valve cover.
38. NOTE: Install a new O-ring seal on the oil level indicator and tube. Apply clean engine oil to the O-ring seal.
Install the oil level indicator and tube. Install the bolt.
- Tighten to 13 Nm (115 lb-in).
39. Install the retaining nut for the oil level indicator and tube.
- Tighten to 31 Nm (23 lb-ft).
40. Connect the glow plug harness electrical connector and pushpin retainers.
41. Connect the EP sensor electrical connector and retaining clip.
42. NOTE: Use a back-up wrench to prevent the fittings in the high-pressure fuel injection pump from turning. If the fittings move, the high-pressure fuel injection pump fittings must be retightened. Refer to Fuel Injection Pump Fitting Re-Torque in Fuel Delivery and Air Induction.
NOTE: It will be necessary to use a thin or low profile wrench to hold the fittings on the high-pressure fuel injection pump.
NOTE: Use a crowfoot wrench to aid in tightening the fuel rail supply tube.
Install the new fuel rail supply tube in the following sequence.
1. Remove the Fuel System Caps from the fuel rail supply tube openings.
2. NOTE: Support the tube while hand snugging the nut to make sure of correct assembly of the joints.
Position the fuel rail supply tube between the high-pressure fuel injection pump and high-pressure fuel rail. Fully hand start and seat the tube nuts onto the high-pressure fuel injection pump and high-pressure fuel rail.
3. Snug the tube nuts.
- Calculate the correct torque wrench setting for the following torque.
- Tighten to 2 Nm (18 lb-in).
4. Pre-tighten the high-pressure fuel injection pump and high-pressure fuel rail tube nuts.
- Calculate the correct torque wrench setting for the following torque.
- Tighten to 12 Nm (106 lb-in).
5. NOTE: Place a visible mark with a permanent marker on the high-pressure fuel rail and high-pressure fuel pump threaded connection. Turning the tube nuts one flat of the nut is equal to 60 degrees.
Final-tighten the fuel rail supply tube nuts.
- Tighten the tube nuts 60 degrees.
Both cylinder heads
43. Install the intake manifold. For additional information, refer to Intake Manifold - Body Off Intake Manifold - Body Off.
44. Bleed the low-pressure and high-pressure fuel system. For additional information, refer to Fuel Delivery and Air Induction.