Part 1
Transmission Internal Components - Disassembled View
Transmission Internal Components - Disassembled View
Transmission Shift Components - Disassembled View
NOTE: Transmission fluid usage:
- Gas engines use MERCON(R) V Automatic Transmission Fluid.
- Diesel engines use Motorcraft(R) Full Synthetic Fluid.
1. NOTICE: Do not reassemble the transmission dry. Apply lubricant throughout the assembly procedure or damage to the components can occur.
Lubricate all bearings, gears and synchronizers with the recommended transmission lubricant during reassembly.
2. Index-mark the countershaft in relation to the oil pump slot.
3. Position the countershaft to the mainshaft on the Gear Pack Fixture.
4. Install the countershaft rear bearing spacer.
- The countershaft rear bearing spacer can be installed either way.
5. Install the 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th shift fork and shift rail assemblies.
- The detent groove on the rail faces upward or to the output shaft.
- All shift forks and rails use double roll pins.
6. Install the interlock plate.
- The stamped part numbers on the interlock plate must face toward the input shaft.
7. Install and position the intermediate housing on the mainshaft, the countershaft and the shift rails.
- Make sure the detents are clear of the bore area on the intermediate housing.
8. Install the interlock plate bolts.
- Tighten to 10 Nm (89 lb-in).
9. Assemble the 5th gear synchronizer assembly.
10. Install the 5th gear synchronizer assembly.
- Install the 5th gear synchronizer with the snap ring on the synchronizer body facing down against the intermediate housing.
- The 5th gear synchronizer will slide into place and does not require heat to install.
11. NOTICE: To prevent damage, do not heat the countershaft bushing higher than 150°C (302°F) maximum.
Remove the countershaft bushing from the Gear/Bearing Heater, then install the countershaft bushing.
12. NOTE: Allow the countershaft bushing to cool for 2-4 minutes before installing the countershaft needle bearing.
Install the countershaft needle bearing.
13. Install the 5th gear.
14. Install the countershaft rear thrust washer and a new snap ring.
- The snap ring is a selective fit. The correct snap ring should completely fill the groove when seated.
- Install the snap ring with the small holes upward.
- Make sure the snap ring is completely seated, with one tab of the snap ring under the gear tooth.
15. For vehicles equipped with a diesel engine, install the low gear thrust washer.
16. Install the 2 mainshaft low gear needle bearings.
17. Install the low gear.
18. Install the low and reverse synchronizer assembly and synchronizer ring.
- Install the low/reverse gear synchronizer with the shoulder of the sliding sleeve facing down to the low gear.
- The low/reverse synchronizer body will slide into place and does not require heat to install.
19. NOTICE: To prevent damage, do not heat the reverse gear bushing higher than 150°C (302°F) maximum.
Remove the mainshaft reverse gear bushing from the Gear/Bearing Heater, then install the mainshaft bushing.
20. NOTE: Allow the mainshaft reverse gear bushing to cool for 2-4 minutes before installing mainshaft needle bearing.
Install the mainshaft needle bearing.
21. Install the reverse gear. Pull the synchronizer sliding sleeve into the neutral position.
22. NOTICE: To prevent damage, do not heat the output bearing thrust washer higher than 150°C (302°F) maximum.
Remove the output bearing thrust washer from the Gear/Bearing Heater, then using the Thrust Washer Bearing Cup Remover/Installer, install the output bearing thrust washer.
23. NOTICE: To prevent damage, do not heat the rear mainshaft output bearing higher than 150°C (302°F) maximum.
Remove the mainshaft output bearing from the Gear/Bearing Heater, then using the Thrust Washer Bearing Cup Remover/Installer, install the rear mainshaft output bearing.
24. Using the Dial Indicator Gauge with Holding Fixture and the Clutch Housing Gauge, check the axial gear clearance at 5th gear.
- If not within specifications, disassemble and reinspect.
25. Using the Dial Indicator Gauge with Holding Fixture and the Clutch Housing Gauge, check the axial gear clearance at low gear.
- If not within specifications, disassemble and reinspect.
26. Using the Dial Indicator Gauge with Holding Fixture and the Clutch Housing Gauge, check the axial gear clearance at reverse gear.
- If not within specifications, disassemble and reinspect.
27. NOTE: The snap ring is used on Four-Wheel Drive (4WD) vehicles only.
Install a new snap ring.
- The snap ring is a selective fit. The correct snap ring should completely fill the groove when seated.
- Install the snap ring with the small holes upward.
28. NOTE: Using an oil stone or emery cloth, lightly condition the shift rails and clean them with transmission fluid before installing the shift forks and shift rails.
NOTE: Move the interlock plate into the 5th gear position.
Install the 5th gear shift fork and the shift rail.
29. Using a 5 mm (3/16 in) punch, align the roll pin hole with the top hole of the shift fork. Install the double roll pin in the lower hole, then install a roll pin in the upper hole.
- Do not hit the sealing surface of the intermediate plate.
- Make sure the slot of the roll pin is facing away from the shift rail.
30. NOTE: Using an oil stone or emery cloth, lightly condition the shift rails and clean them with transmission fluid before installing the shift forks and rails.
NOTE: Move the interlock plate into the low/reverse position.
Install the low/reverse gear shift fork and the shift rail.