Seat Cushion - Rear, Crew Cab
Seat Cushion - Rear, CrewCab
NOTE: For parts identification and location, refer to Seat - Exploded View, Rear, Crew Cab Seat - Exploded View, Rear, Crew Cab.
1. Remove the seat cushion latch. For additional information, refer to Seat Latch- Rear, Crew Cab Seat Latch - Rear, Crew Cab.
2. Remove the cushion foam pad.
- If equipped, disconnect the cushion heater mat electrical connector.
- Note the wire harness routing for correct installation.
3. Remove the assist spring strut.
4. Remove the bolt and safety belt buckle.
- To install, tighten to 32 Nm (24 lb-ft).
5. Remove the screw and inboard side shield.
6. Remove the inboard pivot bolt, inboard pedestal and cushion.
- To install, tighten to 32 Nm (24 lb-ft).
7. To assemble, reverse the disassembly procedure.