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An Active Service SYSTem (ASSYST) maintenance indicator is optional equipment on all instrument clusters. In vehicles so equipped, a second, dedicated ASSYST microprocessor is integral to the cluster electronic circuit board. The ASSYST indications are displayed in the cluster multi-function indicator located near the center of the instrument cluster, between the analog speedometer and the tachometer. The ASSYST displays include numeric values combined with International Control and Display Symbol icons for Service, Call For Maintenance to indicate reminders in time (days) or distance (miles or kilometers) until the next required maintenance is anticipated. ASSYST also provides several audible indications using the audible tone transducer on the instrument cluster circuit board to supplement the visual displays.

The indications of the ASSYST maintenance indicator are not visible when the multi-function indicator display is not illuminated. When illuminated on vehicles not equipped with the optional steering wheel buttons, the ASSYST indications appear as dark characters and icons silhouetted against a light field. On vehicles equipped with the optional steering wheel buttons, the ASSYST indications appear as light characters and icons upon a dark field. When the exterior lighting is turned OFF, the display is illuminated at maximum brightness. When the exterior lighting is turned ON, the display illumination level can be adjusted in concert with the cluster general illumination lighting using the (+) (plus) and (-) (minus) multi-function indicator push buttons.

The ASSYST maintenance indicator is serviced as a unit with the instrument cluster.