Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Technician Safety Information

1. Always wear appropriate eye protection.
2. Block the drive wheels, as a safety routine, before beginning any service with the vehicle on the ground.
3. Never work under a vehicle supported only by a jack.
- Use jackstands, on a flat and level hard surface, for safe support.

4. Exercise care when performing spark test, always use non-conductive ignition wire pliers.
- Ignition systems present a shock hazard.

5. Use caution when working near the catalytic converter to prevent the possibility of burns.
- Converter temperatures can exceed 1200°F.

6. Exercise care when working with spring or tension loaded fasteners such as E-clips, or snap rings.
- Careless removal can cause personal injury.

1. Keep all flames, sparks and high heat sources away from flooded engines.
2. Drain oil contaminated by fuel in a safe, well ventilated area.
3. Disable the ignition system, before cranking a flooded engine, with the spark plugs removed.
- Raw fuel coming out of the spark plug holes could be ignited.


NOTE: Methanol is more toxic than gasoline, follow service precautions below:

1. Avoid breathing methanol fumes or ingesting methanol.
- Breathing methanol vapors could result in headaches, dizziness and even unconsciousness.
- Ingesting methanol can result in serious injury, blindness or death.

2. Wear methanol resistant gloves when servicing methanol powered vehicles.
- Prolonged contact with skin may result in dry skin, an allergic reaction, or absorbtion through skin.
- Methanol vapors are extremely flammable and can travel along the ground. Service vehicles in a well ventilated area, avoid ignition sources and never smoke while servicing vehicle.