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Battery Protection During Vehicle Storage

Vehicles placed in storage for an extended period of time may experience battery discharge and/or permanent damage.

To prevent this possibility, "the battery negative cable should be disconnected on vehicles which are not going to be in service within a twenty day period; beginning from the date the vehicle is shipped from the assembly plant. If this is not possible, the battery should be recharged periodically (every 20-45 days) until the green dot of the built in hydrometer ("green eye") is visible." See article 2.3.2b-Battery Care in the GM Service Policies and Procedures Manual.

Disconnected batteries will also slowly discharge, especially with higher temperatures; therefore, even disconnected batteries should be checked for a green eye every four months and recharged if necessary.

Battery recharging, swapping or replacement due to damage or lack of maintenance is not covered by the vehicle warranty during the period of Dealer inventory storage. If there is no documented procedure in place for the proper maintenance of batteries while in dealer inventory (along with corresponding documentation which shows that maintenance has been performed), the expense associated with the battery replacement is not covered by the New Vehicle Bumper to Bumper Warranty and is the dealer's responsibility.