Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Fig. 26 Numbering of pistons & cylinder bores:

1. Identify by a pencil mark each piston, Fig. 26. Number piston bores in front cylinder half similarly so pistons can be replaced in their original locations.

Fig. 27 Separating cylinder halves:

2. Separate cylinder halves, Fig. 27. Make certain discharge cross-over tube does not contact swash plate when separating cylinder halves. Shaft should never be struck at either end in an effort to separate upper and lower cylinder halves.
3. Position complete internal mechanism, rear cylinder down, on support block, and remove front cylinder half.

Fig. 28 Compressor piston:

4. Remove and disassemble pistons, keeping all parts for each position in a separate dish or tray. Discard position shoe discs and other parts that show evidence of damage, Fig. 28.

Fig. 29 Removing front thrust races & thrust bearing:

5. Remove front thrust races and bearing. Discard races, Fig. 29.

6. Remove shaft from rear cylinder half. It may be necessary to bend discharge cross-over tubes slightly in order to remove shaft.
7. Remove rear combination of thrust races and bearing from shaft. Discard races.
8. Examine surface of swash plate and shaft. Replace as an assembly, if necessary. A certain amount of shoe disc wear on swash plate is normal as well as some markings, indicating load of needle bearings on shaft.
9. Remove discharge cross-over tube from cylinder half, using vise grip pliers. This is necessary on original factory equipment only as ends of tube are wedged into cylinder halves. The discharge cross-over tube in internal mechanism assemblies that have been previously serviced have an O-ring and bushing at each end of tube, and can be easily removed by hand.
10. Examine piston bores and needle bearings in front and rear cylinder halves. Replace front and rear cylinders if any cylinder bore is deeply scored or damaged.

Fig. 30 Installing needle bearing:

11. Needle bearings may be removed if necessary by driving them out with a special thin wall socket. Insert socket in hub end (inner side) of cylinder head and drive bearing out. To install, place cylinder half on support block, hub end down, and insert bearing in end of cylinder head with bearing identification marks up. With a suitable driver, Fig. 30, drive bearing into head until tool bottoms on cylinder face.
12. Clean and air-dry parts to be reused.