Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Fig. 45 Installing O-ring on cross-over tube:

1. Place internal mechanism on support block.
2. Install new O-ring and bushing on front end of discharging cross-over tube, Fig. 45. O-ring and bushing are service parts only for internal mechanisms that have been disassembled in the field.
3. Install new dowel pins in front cylinder half, if previously removed.

Fig. 46 Installing front suction reed:

4. Install front suction reed plate on front cylinder half. Align with dowel pins, suction ports, oil return slot, and discharge cross-over tube, Fig. 46.

Fig. 47 Installing discharge valve plate:

Fig. 48 Front & rear discharge valve plates:

5. Install front discharge plate assembly, aligning holes with dowel pins and proper openings in front suction reed plate, Fig. 47. Front discharge plate has a large diameter hole in center, Fig. 48.
6. Coat Teflon gasket surfaces on webs of compressor front head casting with refrigerant oil.

Fig. 49 Installing front head casting:

7. Determine exact position of front head casting in relation to dowel pins on internal mechanism. Mark position of dowel pins on sides of front head assembly and on sides of internal mechanism with a grease pencil. Carefully lower front head casting into position, Fig. 49, ensuring Teflon sealing area and center bore of head assembly do not contact shaft as head is lowered. Do not rotate head to line up with dowel pins, as Teflon sealing areas would contact reed retainers.

Fig. 50 Front head O-ring installed:

8. Generously lubricate angled groove at lower end of front head casting with refrigerant oil and install new O-ring in groove, Fig. 50.
9. Coat inside machined surface of compressor shell with refrigeration oil and position shell on internal mechanism, resting on O-ring seal.

Fig. 51 Installing compressor shell:

10. Using flat side of a small screwdriver, gently press O-ring in around circumference of internal mechanism until shell slides down over internal mechanism. As shell slides down, line up oil sump with oil intake tube hole, Fig. 51.
11. Holding support block, invert assembly and place in holding fixture with front end of shaft down. Remove support block.
12. Install new dowel pins in rear cylinder half, if previously removed.
13. Install new O-ring in oil pickup tube cavity.

Fig. 52 Installing oil pickup tube:

14. Lubricate oil pickup tube and install in cavity, rotating compressor mechanism to align tube with hole in shell baffle, Fig. 52.
15. Install new O-ring and bushing on rear of discharge cross-over tube.
16. Install rear suction reed over dowel pins with slot toward sump.
17. Install rear discharge valve plate over dowel pins with reed retainers up.
18. Position inner oil pump gear over shaft with previously applied identification mark up.

Fig. 53 Positioning oil pump gears:

19. Position outer oil pump gear over inner gear with previously applied identification mark up and, when facing oil sump, position outer gear so it meshes with inner gear at 9 o'clock position, and cavity between gear teeth is at 3 o'clock position, Fig. 53.
20. Generously oil rear discharge plate around outer edge where large diameter O-ring will be placed. Oil valve reeds, pump gears and area where Teflon sealing surface will contact rear discharge valve plate.
21. Lubricate new head-to-shell O-ring and install on rear discharge valve plate, in contact with shell.
22. Install suction screen in rear head casting, being careful not to damage screen.
23. Coat Teflon sealing surface on webs of compressor rear head casting with refrigeration oil.
24. Install rear head over studs on compressor shell. Two lower compressor mounting holes should be aligned with compressor sump. Make certain that suction screen does not drop out of place when lowering rear head into position. If rear head does not slide down over dowels in internal mechanism, twist front head back and forth very slightly by hand until rear head drops over dowel pins.
25. Install nuts on threaded shell studs and tighten evenly to 25 ft. lbs. using a 0---50 ft. lb. torque wrench.
26. Invert compressor in holding fixture and install shaft seal.
27. Install compressor clutch coil and housing.
28. Install compressor pulley and bearing.
29. Install compressor clutch plate and hub.
30. Add refrigeration oil as outlined in this chapter.
31. Check for internal and external leaks.