Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Fig. 4 Air horn screw tightening sequence:

1. If removed, install curb or base idle screw and spring in throttle body and the fast idle adjustment screw and clip in primary throttle lever.
2. Hold primary throttle lever wide open and install lower end of pump rod in throttle lever by aligning squirt on rod with slot in lever. End of rod should face toward throttle lever.
3. If removed, install idle mixture needle, washer and spring with tool J-29030 or equivalent. Lightly seat needle, then back out three turns. Final adjustment is made on the vehicle. If a new float bowl assembly is used, stamp or engrave the model number on the new float bowl.
4. Install new throttle body to bowl insulator gasket over two locating dowels on bowl.
5. Hold fast idle cam so that cam steps face fast idle screw on throttle lever and install throttle body making sure throttle body is properly located over dowels on float bowl. Install throttle body to bowl screws and lockwashers and tighten securely. Inspect linkage to ensure lockout tang is located properly to engage slot in secondary lockout lever and that linkage moves freely and does not bind.
6. Install fuel inlet filter spring, check valve-filter assembly, new gasket and inlet nut. Torque nut to 18 ft. lbs.
7. Install choke housing on throttle body, making sure raised boss and locating lug on rear of housing fit into recesses in float bowl casting. Install choke housing attaching screws and lock washers in throttle body. Tighten screws evenly and securely.
8. Install intermediate choke shaft and lever assembly in float bowl by pushing through from throttle lever side.
9. With intermediate choke lever in the "UP" position, install thermostatic coil lever inside choke housing onto flats on intermediate choke shaft. Coil is properly aligned when the coil pick-up tang is at the top position. Install inside lever retaining screw into end of intermediate choke shaft and tighten securely.
10. Before installing choke cover and coil assembly onto choke housing, start the three self tapping screws contained with kit, then remove the screws.
11. Place fast idle screw on highest step of cam, then install choke cap and coil assembly on choke housing, with notch on cover aligned with raised casting on housing cover. Ensure coil pickup tang engages inside choke coil lever. On carburetors for V6 engine, ensure coil pick up lever is located inside coil tang. Do not install a choke cover gasket between electric choke assembly choke housing.
12. Install pump discharge steel check ball and spring in passage next to float chamber. Insert end of new plastic retainer into end of spring and install retainer in float bowl, tapping lightly in place until top of retainer is flush with bowl casting surface.
13. Install main metering jet into bottom of float chamber with a suitable tool. Tighten jet securely.
14. Install needle seat and gasket, using tool No. J-22769.
15. Install float needle onto float arm by sliding float lever under needle pull clip. Proper installation of the needle pull clip is to hook the clip over the edge of the float on the float arm facing the float pontoon.
16. Install float retaining pin into float arm with end of loop of pin facing pump well. Install float assembly by aligning needle in the seat and float retaining pin into locating channels in float bowl. Push down lightly on float arm at outer end against top of float valve. Adjust float lever as outlined under "Adjustments."
17. Install plastic filler block over float needle, pressing downward until properly seated and is flush with bowl casting surface.
18. Install throttle position sensor return spring in bottom of well in float bowl, if equipped.
19. Install throttle position sensor and connector assembly in float bowl, aligning groove in wire connector with slot in bowl casting. Push downward on connector and sensor assembly so that sensor, connector and wire are located below bowl casting surface.
20. Install air horn gasket on float bowl by carefully sliding slit portion of gasket over the two dowel locating pins on the float bowl.
21. Install pump return spring in pump well.
22. Install pump plunger assembly in pump well.
23. Install vent screen assembly and attaching screws.
24. If removed, install choke shaft, choke valve, and attaching screws. Tighten screws securely and stake lightly in place. Check choke valve for freedom of movement and proper alignment before staking screws in place.
25. Install pump plunger stem seal and retainer in air horn casting, if equipped. Lightly stake retainer in three locations other than original stakings.
26. Install throttle positioner sensor actuator plunger seal and retainer, if equipped. Lightly stake retainer in three locations other than original stakings.
27. Install fast idle cam rod in lower hole of choke lever, aligning squirt on rod with small slot in lever.
28. On 4 cylinder models, if removed, install plastic bushing in hole in vacuum break lever making sure small end of bushing faces retaining clip when installed. Then, insert end of vacuum break rod through bushing in lever. Retain rod with new clip, pressing clip in place using needle nose pliers. Make sure clip has full contact on rod but is not seated tightly against the bushing. Rod to bushing clearance should be .030 inch. Retaining clip is "dished." Install clip on rod with outward bend in self-locking lugs facing end of rod. Check that clip fully engages rod and is not distorted.
29. On 4 cylinder models, if removed, install plastic bushing in hole on air valve lever. Ensure small end of bushing faces retaining clip when installed. Insert end of air valve rod through bushing in lever and install retaining clip. Clip should be in full contact with rod but not tightly seated against bushing. Rod to bushing clearance should be .030 inch. Outward bend of retaining clip should face end of rod.
30. If equipped, apply a light coating of engine oil or silicone grease to metal actuator plunger of throttle position switch. Push plunger through seal in air horn until approximately 1/2 of plunger extends above surface of air horn casting.
31. Before installing air horn to float bowl apply a light coating of engine oil or silicone grease to pump plunger.
32. Rotate fast idle cam to the full "UP" position and tilt air horn assembly to engage fast idle cam rod in slot in fast idle cam. Hold down on pump plunger assembly and carefully lower air horn assembly onto float bowl, guiding pump plunger stem through hole in air horn casting. Do not force air horn assembly onto bowl. If equipped, ensure throttle position sensor actuator plunger engages sensor plunger in bowl.
33. Install air horn to bowl attaching screws and lockwashers. Tighten air horn screws in sequence, Fig. 4, evenly and securely. Four long air horn screws are located in the primary and secondary venturi area in which two (2) longer screws hold the vent and screen assembly in place, and on V6 models, one larger head screw goes next to the choke valve on the primary side. 2 short screws are located on the fuel inlet side and 1 short screw is located in the area beneath the hot idle compressor valve.
34. If equipped, install new seal in recess of float bowl. Install hot idle compensator valve and retain with screws. Tighten screws securely.
35. Check mixture control solenoid for binding. Install rubber seal on mixture control solenoid stem until seal is against boss. Using a 3/16 inch socket, carefully drive retainer onto stem, leaving a slight clearance between retainer and seal for seal expansion.
36. Before installing, apply a light coating of engine oil or silicone grease to seal located on end of mixture control solenoid stem.
37. Install mounting gasket and mixture control solenoid on air horn, aligning solenoid stem with recess in bottom of fuel bowl. Use a slight twisting motion to prevent distortion or damage to seal.
38. Install and tighten three mixture control solenoid attaching screws.
39. Install plastic bushing in hole in choke lever, making sure small end of bushing faces retaining clip when installed. With inner choke coil lever at 12 o'clock position, install intermediate choke rod in bushing. Retain rod with new clip using Tool J-28697 or needle nose pliers. Make sure clip has full contact on rod but is not seated tightly against bushing. Rod to bushing clearance should be .030 inch.
40. On V6 models, if removed, install plastic bushing in hole in secondary side vacuum break plunger, making sure small end of bushing faces retaining clip when installed. Install secondary side vacuum break rod and secure new clip to rod using Tool J-28697 or needle nose pliers. Make sure clip has full contact on rod but is not seated tightly against bushing. Rod to bushing clearance should be .030 inch. Retaining clip is "dished." Install clip on rod with outward bend of self-locking clip facing end of rod. Check that clip fully engages rod and that clip is not distorted.
41. On V6 models, rotate bracket and insert end of secondary side vacuum break rod into upper slot of vacuum break lever. Install bracket on throttle body and install countersunk screws. Tighten screws securely.
42. On all models, if equipped, install idle solenoid in hole on bracket, large lockwasher and retaining nut. Tighten nut securely. Bend back two (2) retaining tabs on lockwasher to fit in slots in bracket. Use care in tightening to avoid damaging vacuum break diaphragm plunger.
43. If equipped with idle speed control motor, attach motor and bracket assembly to vacuum break bracket using attaching screws and washers.
44. On 4 cylinder models, rotate idle solenoid bracket, if equipped, and insert end of vacuum break rod into inner slot and end of air valve rod into outer slot of vacuum break diaphragm plunger. Install bracket over locating lugs on air horn and install countersunk screw in air horn and screw with lockwasher in throttle body. Tighten screws securely.
45. On V6 models, if removed, install plastic bushings in holes in primary side vacuum break plunger, making sure small end of bushings face retaining clips when installed. Install vacuum break rod in upper hold of plunger and air valve rod in lower hole of plunger and secure new clips to rod using Tool J-28697 or needle nose pliers. Make sure clips have full contact on rods, but are not seated tightly against bushings. Rod to bushing clearance should be .030 inch. Rotate primary side vacuum break bracket to engage vacuum break and air valve rods in vacuum break and in air valve lever, positioning bracket over locating lug on air horn. Install countersunk screws and tighten securely. Retaining clips are "dished." Install clip on rod with outward bend of self-locking clip facing end of rod. Check that clips fully engage rods and clip is not distorted.
46. On 4 cylinder models, install pump rod in hole in pump lever by rotating lever. Install retaining screw in pump lever, then washer. Hold pump plunger stem down and install pump lever on air horn. Make sure shoulder on screw seats in hole in lever and washer is located between lever and air horn casting. Tighten screw securely.
47. On V6 models, install pump rod in hole on pump lever, then install retaining clip.