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System Diagnosis - Delcotron CS-130 Integral

Fig. 2 Charging circuit wiring diagram:

During normal system operation, the indicator lamp, if equipped, will illuminate until the engine is started. If the indicator lamp operates abnormally, or an overcharged or undercharged battery condition exists, the following procedure should be used to diagnose the charging system. Refer to Fig. 2 when diagnosing the system.
1. Ensure alternator drive belt is in good condition and properly tensioned.
2. On models equipped with a charge indicator lamp, proceed as follows:
a. Observe indicator lamp with ignition on and engine not running.
b. If lamp does not light, disconnect electrical connector from alternator and ground L terminal.
c. If lamp lights, replace alternator assembly. If lamp does not light, locate and repair open circuit between ground and ignition switch.
d. Observe indicator lamp with engine running at idle.
e. If lamp lights, disconnect electrical connector from alternator and observe lamp.
f. If lamp goes out, replace alternator assembly. If lamp remains lit, locate and repair ground in L terminal wire.
3. On all models, if battery is overcharged or undercharged, proceed as follows:
a. Disconnect electrical connector from alternator.
b. With ignition on and engine not running, connect a voltmeter between ground and alternately terminals L and I (if used).
c. If voltmeter indicates zero voltage at either terminal, locate and correct open in that circuit.
d. Reconnect alternator electrical connector, then measure voltage across battery with engine running at idle and all accessories off.
e. If voltage measures more than 16 volts, replace the alternator.
f. Connect an ammeter to alternator output terminal, then turn accessories on and load battery with a carbon pile to obtain maximum amperage.
g. While maintaining voltage at 13 volts or more, note amperage reading. If amperage is within 15 amps of rated output, the alternator is satisfactory. If amperage is not within 15 amps of rated output, replace the alternator.