Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

B.Reading Built-In Hydrometer

Figure 1 - Built-In Hydrometer:

Look down into the built-in hydrometer (clean and use a flashlight if necessary) to observe its reading (refer to Figure #1).

^ Green Dot Visible - any green appearance is interpreted as a "green dot" and indicates that the battery is 65% or above state of charge and is ready for use or testing.

^ Dark, Green Dot Not Visible ("Black Eye") - indicates the battery is below 65% state of charge and needs charging prior to testing. It is possible to jumpstart the vehicle in accordance with the cautions in the Owner's Manual.
^ Clear Or Light Yellow - This means the fluid level is below the bottom of the hydrometer. This may have been caused by excessive or prolonged charging, a cracked or broken case, excessive tipping, or normal battery wearout. Replace battery. Do not charge, test or jump-start.