Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Transmission Cover

1. Place selector arm plates and shift rail in neutral position, then rotate shift rail until selector arm disengages from selector arm plates and roll pin is accessible.

2. Remove selector arm roll pin, then remove shift rail, shift forks, selector arm plates, selector arm, interlock plate and roll pin.

3. Pry out shift cover to extension housing O-ring with a screwdriver.

4. Remove nylon inserts and selector arm plates from shift forks, noting their position for reference during assembly.

1. Install nylon inserts and selector arm plates in shift forks, then install shiftrail plug after coating edges with suitable sealer.

2. Coat shift rail and rail bores with light weight grease and install shift rail in cover so that it is flush with inside edge of cover.

3. Install first-second shift fork in cover with fork offset facing rear of cover and push shift rail through fork.

NOTE: The first-second shift fork is the larger of the two forks.

4. Install selector arm and C-shaped interlock plate in cover and insert shift rail through arm.

NOTE: The widest part of interlock plate must face away from cover, and the selector arm roll pin hole must face downward and toward rear of cover.

5. Position third-fourth shift fork in cover with fork offset facing rear of cover.

NOTE: Third-fourth shift fork selector arm plate must be under first-second shift fork selector arm plate.

6. Push shift rail through third-fourth shift fork and into front bore in cover, then rotate shift rail until selector arm plate at forward end of rail faces away from, but is parallel to cover.

7. Align roll pin holes in selector arm and shift rail and install roll pin.

NOTE: Roll pin must be flush with surface of selector arm to prevent pin and selector arm from contacting each other during shifts.

8. Install a new shift cover to extension housing seal and coat the seal with transmission lubricant.