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Delcotron CS-130 Integral Charging System

Fig. 1 Delcotron type CS-130 alternator:

This unit, Fig. 1, features a high ampere output-to-weight ratio. The alternator does not have a diode trio, however, it is electrically similar to standard units in other respects. The voltage setting of the integral regulator varies with temperature and limits system voltage by controlling rotor field current.
The regulator has four terminals; P, L, I and S. The P terminal is wired to the stator and may be used to connect a tachometer or other device. The S terminal may be connected to the battery to sense voltage to be controlled. The L and I terminals turn the regulator on and allow field current to flow when the switch is closed. The I terminal may be connected either through a resistor or directly to the switch. The I circuit may be used with or without the L circuit.