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Low & Reverse Clutch Assembly

NOTE: A new lo and reverse clutch assembly for 1986 model transmissions, is now in production. The new 10 and reverse clutch assembly components may be used on all transmissions built from 1986 only if all the new service parts and procedures for selection of clutch pack clearance are used during assembly.

1. Inspect lo and reverse piston for porosity or ring groove damage.

2. Inspect piston seals for nicks or cuts.

3. Inspect spring assembly for damage.

4. Inspect retainer ring for overstress.

5. Mode 5, measure lo and reverse clutch piston as shown in images.

6. Lubricate piston seals, then install seals on piston assembly.

7. Align piston with notch in bottom of case, then install piston in case. A new 10 and reverse clutch piston with a shorter apply skirt is in use in conjunction with the new lo and reverse clutch assembly described previously.

8. Install spring assembly on piston with flat side of retainer upward.

9. Install clutch spring compressor tool No. J-23327 over spring assembly, then compress spring assembly past ring groove in case hub.

10. Install retainer ring into case hub ring groove, then remove clutch spring retainer.