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Saginaw 3 Speed

1. Position mainshaft upward, and install the following onto mainshaft:

a. Install second speed gear with synchronizing teeth facing upward. Rear face of gear will seat against flange on mainshaft.

b. Install blocking ring with clutch teeth downward over the synchronizing surface of the second speed gear.

NOTE: All three blocker rings used in this transmission are identical.

c. Using an arbor press, install second and third synchronizer assembly with fork slot facing downward onto mainshaft. Ensure keyways on blocker ring align with keys on the synchronizer assembly.

d. Install mainshaft snap ring onto synchronizer hub.

2. Position rear of mainshaft upward, and install the following onto

a. Install first speed gear with clutch teeth facing upward. Front face of gear will seat against flange on mainshaft.

b. Install second blocker ring with clutch teeth facing downward over the synchronizing surface of the first speed gear.

c. Using an arbor press, install first and reverse synchronizer assembly with fork slot downward onto mainshaft. Ensure keyways on blocker ring align with keys on the synchronizer assembly.

d. Install second mainshaft snap ring onto synchronizer hub.

e. Install reverse gear with synchronizing teeth facing downward onto mainshaft.

f. Install reverse gear washers onto mainshaft. Using an arbor press, install rear ball bearing and snap ring onto mainshaft. Ensure snap ring seats correctly.

g. Install the second rear bearing snap ring onto mainshaft.

h. Install speedometer drive gear onto mainshaft.

3. Using a suitable lubricant, lubricate roller bearings. Using tool No. J-22246 or equivalent, install roller bearings

and thrust washers onto each end of the countergear.

4. Install countergear assembly through rear case opening. Ensure tang on countergear thrust washer faces away from gear. Install countershaft and woodruff key into rear case opening. Ensure countershaft keys align with keyways on thrust washers.

5. Install reverse idler gear, shaft and woodruff key into rear of case.

6. Using a suitable tool, install rear bearing snap ring. Ensure snap ring seats correctly in rear bearing groove.

7. Using a suitable lubricant, lubricate and install pilot bearings into main drive gear cavity. Install third speed blocker ring onto main drive gear clutch surface.

NOTE: The third speed blocker ring teeth should face toward the drive gear.

8. Install main drive gear, pilot bearings and third speed blocker ring assembly over front of mainshaft assembly. Ensure keyways on blocker ring align with keys on the 2-3 synchronizer assembly.

9. Install gasket, main drive gear, mainshaft and extension onto rear of case.

10. Install extension housing to case bolts, torque bolts to 45 ft.lbs.

11. Install snap ring onto main drive gear bearing. Install drive gear bearing onto main drive gear and into front case bore.

12. Install snap ring onto main drive gear. Position main drive gear retainer and gasket onto front of case.

NOTE: The retainer oil return hole and gasket should be positioned so there is an adequate oil passage. Torque bearing retainer bolts to 15 ft.lbs.

13. Install reverse idler gear retainer E-ring onto mainshaft. Ensure thrust washer key engages keyway in case.

14. Shift synchronizer sleeves to neutral positions and install cover, gasket and fork assembly onto case. Ensure fork aligns with synchronizer sleeve grooves.