Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Mainshaft Assembly


1. Remove first speed gear and thrust washer.
2. Remove snap ring in front of 3rd-4th synchronizer assembly.
3. Remove reverse driven gear.

4. Press behind second speed gear to remove 3rd-4th synchronizer assembly, 3rd speed gear and 2nd speed gear along with 3rd speed gear bushing and thrust washer.
5. Remove 2nd speed synchronizer ring.
6. Supporting 2nd speed synchronizer hub at front face, press mainshaft through removing 1st speed gear bushing and 2nd speed synchronizer hub.
7. Split 2nd speed gear busing and chisel and remove busing from shaft. Exercise care not to damage mainshaft.


1. Using tool J-22873 press 2nd speed busing onto mainshaft until it bottoms against shoulder. Lubricate busing with E.P. oil before pressing.

Notice: 1st, 2nd and 3rd speed gear busings are sintered iron, exercise care with installing or damage may occur.

2. Press 1st and 2nd speed synchronizer hub onto mainshaft until it bottoms against shoulder with annulus toward rear of shaft.
3. Install 1st and 2nd synchronizer keys and springs (if previously removed).

4. Using tool J-22873 press 1st speed gear busing onto mainshaft until it bottoms against hub. Lubricate all bushings with E.P. oil before installation of gears.
5. Install synchronizer blocking ring and 2nd speed gear onto mainshaft and against synchronizer hub. Index synchronizer key slots with keys in synchronizer hub.

6. Install 3rd gear thrust washer onto mainshaft with tang on thrust washer in slot on shaft and against 2nd speed gear busing. Then press 3rd speed gear busing onto mainshaft using tool J-22875 until it bottoms against thrust washer.
7. Install 3rd speed gear synchronizer blocking ring and 3rd gear onto mainshaft, against 3rd speed gear thrust washer.

8. Index synchronizer ring key slots with synchronizer assembly keys and press 3rd and 4th synchronizer assembly onto mainshaft using tool J-22875 and against 3rd speed gear bushing thrust face toward 3rd gear. Retain synchronizer assembly with snap ring.
9. Install reverse driven gear with fork groove toward rear.
10. Install 1st speed gear onto mainshaft and against 1st and 2nd synchronizer hub. Install 1st speed gear thrust washer.