Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Main Drive Line

1. Lubricate mainshaft splines and machined surfaces with transmission lube.

2. Slide low-reverse synchronizer, onto mainshaft with teeth end of gear facing toward rear of shaft. Secure in place with snap ring.

3. Coat tapered machined surface of low gear with grease. Place blocking ring on greased surface.

4. Slide low gear onto mainshaft with blocking ring toward rear of shaft. Rotate gear as necessary to engage the three notches in blocking ring with synchronizer inserts. Secure low gear with thrust washer and snap ring.

5. Coat tapered machined surface of 2nd gear with grease and slide blocking ring onto it. Slide 2nd gear with blocking ring and 2-3 synchronizer onto mainshaft. Tapered machined surface of 2nd gear must be toward front of shaft. Make sure that notches in blocking ring engage synchronizer inserts. Secure synchronizer with snap ring.

6. Install new 0-ring on each of two shift lever shafts. Lubricate shafts with transmission lube and install them in case. Secure each lever on its shaft with a flat washer, lock washer and nut.

7. Coat bore of main drive gear shaft with thick coat of grease. Install 15 needle bearings in gear pocket.

8. Position drive gear assembly into case.

9. Place a detent spring and plug in case. Place 2-3 shift fork in synchronizer groove. Rotate fork into position and install 2-3 shift rail. It will be necessary to depress detent plug to enter rail in bore. Move rail inward until detent plug engages center (neutral) notch. Secure fork to shaft with set screw.

10. Install interlock plug in case. If 2-3 shift rail is in neutral position, top of interlock will be slightly lower than surface of low-reverse shift rail bore.

11. Place low-reverse shift fork in groove of synchronizer. Rotate fork into position and install low-reverse shift rail. Move rail inward until center (neutral) notch is aligned with detent bore. Secure fork to shaft with set screw.

12. Install remaining detent plug and spring. Secure spring with slotted head set screw. Turn set screw in until head is flush with case.

13. Install new expansion plug in case.

14. Install drive gear through front of case with bearing in place on shaft.

15. Position new front bearing retainer gasket on case. Place bearing retainer on case, making sure oil return groove is at the bottom. Install and tighten attaching screws to 30-36 ft-lbs.

16. Install large snap ring on mainshaft rear bearing. Place bearing on mainshaft with snap ring end toward rear of shaft. Press bearing into place and secure with snap ring.

17. Hold speedometer drive gear lock ball in detent and slide gear into place. Secure gear with snap ring.