Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Clutch plate and hub assembly, clutch rotor and bearing assembly, and clutch coil and pulley rim must be removed in order to remove compressor shell. Compressor should be at room temperature to ease removal of steel shell from aluminum cylinder, which expands at greater rate than shell.

Fig. 23 Prying compressor shell retaining strap:

1. Pry shell retaining strap from cylinder and position strap to clear cylinder when shell is removed, Fig. 23.
2. Remove compressor holding fixture and reverse holding fixture step block protrusions engaging compressor shell. Install medium length bolts and thread into compressor cylinder until step of fixture protrusions contact shell. Ensure step protrusions do not overlap cylinder, but will pass both sides.

Fig. 24 Removing compressor shell:

3. Alternately tighten fixture bolts approximately 1/4 inch to push shell free of cylinder O-rings, Fig. 24, then remove shell.

Fig. 25 Removing valve plate retaining ring:

Fig. 26 Removing valve plate:

4. Remove valve plate retainer snap ring with tool J-4245, Fig. 25, then compressor valve plate, Fig. 26.