Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


To begin diagnosing RFI, it is important to understand the nature of the condition and the elements that may be involved. The following questionnaire will help determine vital pieces of information for the diagnostic process.

1. Is the vehicle equipped with any non-factory installed electronics?
(This includes: radar detectors, scanners, and hand held communications devices.)

2. If the condition occurs with a non-factory installed radio or telephone, have the Radio Installation Guidelines been followed?

3. Identify the frequencies affected.

4. If the concern is with the entertainment radio, is the tape or CD affected.

5. Identify when the condition occurs:
Key off, Key in accessory, Key on engine not running, Engine running, Other - describe.

6. Is the condition intermittent or related to the operation of another electrical device in the vehicle?

7. If the condition is related to a fleet vehicle answer the following:
a. Who installed the radio(s)?
b. Were the GM installation guidelines followed?
c. Is this the only vehicle that demonstrates this condition?
d. Do similar vehicles have different antennas?
e. Are the antennas mounted in the same location?

See RFI Diagnostic Charts that follow.