Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Parking Brake System: Adjustments

1. Raise and support rear of vehicle.
2. Loosen equalizer adjusting nut, then apply parking brake four clicks from fully released position.
3. Tighten equalizer nut until moderate drag is felt when rear wheels are rotated forward.
4. Release parking brake and rotate rear wheels. No drag should be present.
5. Lower vehicle.

1. Raise and support rear of vehicle.
2. Remove cotter and clevis pins connecting pull rod and relay lever.
3. Rotate brake drum to bring access holes in alignment with adjusting screw.
4. Expand shoes by rotating adjusting screws with a screwdriver. Continue adjustment until shoes are tight against drum and drum cannot be rotated by hand. Back off adjustment ten notches and check drum for free rotation.
5. Ensure parking brake lever is in fully released position.
6. Take up slack in brake linkage by pulling rearward on cable just enough to overcome spring tension. Adjust clevis of pull rod or front cable to align with hole in relay levers, then insert clevis and cotter pins. Tighten clevis locknut.
7. Install new metal plug in drum, then lower vehicle.