Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. Position compressor rear head and center assembly on support block J-21352 or equivalent and insert 2 guide pins into through-bolt holes.
2. Install O-ring lubricated with clean 525 viscosity refrigerant oil into front head O-ring groove.
3. Install suction reed plate, front valve plate, and head gaskets over guide pins.
4. Install front head, ensuring alignment marks line up correctly.
5. Press front head down with both hands to ensure that O-ring is seated properly.
6. Install through bolts with new gaskets. Make sure 4 through bolts are threaded into rear head before removing guide pins. Progressively torque bolts in alternating pattern to 72-84 inch lbs.
7. Install new shaft seal.
8. Add correct amount of refrigerant oil as determined in step 1 of removal procedure, and rotate compressor shaft several turns.
9. Leak test compressor.
10. Install compressor clutch and install compressor in vehicle.
11. Evacuate and charge refrigerant system.