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Third Accumulator Retainer & Ball Assembly

1. Inspect for sticking, leaking or missing check balls.
2. Inspect retainer for proper seating and restricted feed slots.
3. Perform retainer and ball assembly leak check procedure as follows:

Fig. 26, 3rd accumulator check ball location:

a. Install servo assembly in servo bore, Fig. 26.
b. Install servo cover and retainer, then pour a suitable solvent into the accumulator bore. Observe for leakage inside case.
c. If leakage is observed, replace 3rd accumulator retainer and ball assembly.
4. If it is necessary to replace the 3rd accumulator check valve assembly, proceed as follows:
a. Remove 3rd accumulator retainer and ball assembly using a number 4 screw extractor.
b. Install new check ball assembly, small end first, into case, positioning oil feed slot in sleeve facing servo cover.

Fig. 27, Installing 3rd accumulator check ball assembly:

c. Using suitable tool, drive check valve assembly until seated in case. To ensure correct installation depth, scribe a mark at 1.653 inch on a 3/8 inch diameter metal rod, then seat the 3rd accumulator and ball assembly as shown in Fig. 27. When the scribed line is flush with the case, installation depth is correct.