Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Preliminary Information

Compressor Shaft Seal:

Replacement of the shaft seal assembly or the pressure relief valve will require the discharge of the vehicle's refrigerating system. Other than clutch repair procedures, the same holds true for any disassembly of the compressor. To discharge the refrigerant, refer to the vehicle service manual.

After servicing, add fresh 525 viscosity refrigerant oil equal to the amount drained from the compressor

Keep the workbench and work area clean when servicing the compressor, and use proper, clean service tools.

NOTICE: Any attempt to use makeshift or inadequate service tools or equipment may result in damage and/or improper compressor operation.

All parts used for servicing the compressor internally are protected by a preservative and packaged in a manner which does not require cleaning, washing or flushing. The parts can be used in the internal assembly as they are removed from the service package.