Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. Lubricate clutch piston seals and grooves with Dexron III transmission fluid, then install inner and outer seals with lips facing down towards housing into piston and center housing seal with lip facing up onto housing.

2. Install seal protector tool Nos. J-21362 and J-38732, or equivalents, on housing and lubricate them with appropriate transmission fluid. Refer to "Lubricant Data Charts" for fluid specifications.

3. Install piston into housing with rotating movement until seated.

4. Install spring and retainer assembly with spring compressor tool No. J-23327 and mechanical press adapter tool No. J-25018-A, or equivalents, per figure.

5. Install snap ring.

6. Install sprag assembly.

7. Install intermediate clutch race, with grooves up, in a clockwise motion. It should not rotate counterclockwise.

8. Install intermediate clutch retainer.

9. Place snap ring over direct clutch hub, then install spiral snap ring installer tool No. J-38695 or equivalent in hub hole, rotate counterclockwise while pressing down until snap ring is in place.

10. Install dished plate into direct clutch housing with inner diameter dish down.

11. Install plate assemblies and steel plates. Alternate plates starting with steel plate first, per figure.

12. Install direct clutch backing plate and snap ring.

13. Place direct clutch assembly on center support for air check operation.

14. Place indicator on piston.

15. Air applied to reverse passage will escape from direct passage, this condition is normal. Apply 80 psi of air pressure to direct passage to actuate piston and move clutch plates, per figure.

16. Piston travel should be 0.121- 0.186 inch.

17. Remove direct clutch assembly.