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Torque Converter Inspection

1. Torque converter assembly must be replaced for any of the following conditions:

a. Evidence of damage to pump assembly.

b. Metal particles found after flushing transmission cooler or cooler lines.

c. External leaks in hub weld area.

d. Converter pilot is broken, damaged or fits poorly in crankshaft.

e. Converter hub is scored or damaged.

f. Internal failure to stator.

g. Contamination from engine coolant.

h. Excess endplay.

2. Install torque converter endplay checking tool No. J-351 38 or equivalent as follows:

a. Screw upper and lower knurled knobs together.

b. Insert tool No. J-35138 into torque converter. Ensure collet is not expanded, per figure.

c. Slide tapered plug into torque converter hub. Plug is for alignment of tool.

d. Hold upper knurled knob and turn wing nut clockwise to expand collet until tight, then back off two and a half turns or until knob is loose but unremovable from converter.

e. Hold upper knurled knob and turn lower knurled knob clockwise until snug. Turbine is now wedged in tool.

3. Attach magnetic base tool No. J-269O0-13 and dial indicator tool No. J-8OO1 or equivalents to torque converter so that indicator tip is in center of wing nut, as per figure.

4. Push upper knurled knob down, zero out indicator and pull lower knurled knob up. Ensure tapered plug stays wedged in hub. Endplay measurement is the difference in measurement between up and down positions. Do not allow wing nut to turn during measuring.

5. Endplay measurement should be 0.0 - 0.024 inch. If endplay is not as indicated, replace converter.

6. Remove tool by turning wing nut counterclockwise and pulling tool outward.