Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Engine: Service and Repair

1. Disconnect battery cables, then raise and support vehicle.
2. Remove flywheel cover, then the flywheel to torque convertor bolts.
3. Disconnect electrical connectors from starter, then remove starter. Disconnect exhaust pipes from manifolds.
4. Remove transmission bellhousing bolts and front mount bolts.
5. Disconnect block heaters, then remove wiring harness, transmission cooler lines and front battery cable clamp at oil pan.
6. Disconnect fuel return lines and oil cooler lines from engine, then remove lower fan shroud bolts and lower vehicle.
7. Scribe hood hinge locations and remove hood.
8. Drain cooling system, then remove air cleaner with resonator attached and primary filter from cowl.
9. Disconnect ground cable at alternator bracket and remove alternator wires and clips.
10. Disconnect EGR/EPR solenoids, glow plug controller and temperature sensor electrical connectors. Move harness aside.
11. Remove left side ground strap. Remove fan and shroud.
12. Remove power steering pump and reservoir, then position aside.
13. Remove vacuum hose at cruise control cables at the injection pump.
14. Disconnect accelerator, detent and cruise control cables from injection pump.
15. Disconnect heater hose from engine, then remove radiator.
16. Support transmission and remove engine.
17. Reverse procedure to install.