Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Fuel Supply System Checks

Fuel Supply System Check
If the fuel supply system is not delivering enough fuel, or if air is being drawn into the fuel injection system, the driveability could be greatly effected or a Cranks But Will Not Run symptom could exist. If another diagnosis indicates or if the fuel supply system is suspected of not delivering enough fuel or drawing air, the following systems should be checked.

- Air leaks or restrictions on the suction side of the fuel pump will seriously affect the pump output.
- Restriction in the fuel return system.
- Make certain that there is sufficient fuel in the tank.
- Check for leaks at all of the fuel connections from the fuel tank to the injection pump.
- Tighten any loose connections.
- With the engine running, check all of the hoses and the lines for flattening or kinks that would restrict the flow of fuel.