Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Ordering Service Parts

1. If you can't find the repair parts you need in the J 38125-A Terminal Repair Kit, GMSPO Standard Parts Catalog, or the GMSPO Carline Parts Catalog refer to the "Harness Connector Faces" to find a listing of the OE part number(s).
2. Call PARTECH (1-800-433-6961) and give the PARTECH advisor the OE part number(s). The PARTECH advisor can determine if there is a GMSPO part number(s) for the OE part number(s).
3. If PARTECH cannot find a GMSPO part number, call the Service Parts Assistance Center (SPAC) with the OE part number(s). The SPAC advisor will assist you in placing a priority order using the "No Part Number" process with the Packard Electric Division. The SPAC advisor may have you place the order with the Packard Electric Division (1-800-PACKARD). Parts are typically shipped within 24 hours direct to your dealership.