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Backlash Adjustment

1. Install a dial indicator on the case using a magnetic base.
2. Place the indicator stem at the heel end of a tooth.
- Set the dial indicator so the stem is in line with the gear rotation and perpendicular to the tooth angle.

3. Check and record the backlash at three or four points around the ring gear.
- The pinion must be held stationary when checking backlash.
- The backlash should be the same at each point within 0.05 mm (0.002 inch). If the backlash varies more than 0.05 mm (0.002 inch), check for burrs, a distorted case flange, uneven bolting conditions, or foreign matter between the case and ring gear.
4. Backlash at the minimum lash point measured should be between 0.125-0.200 mm (0.005-0.008 inch).
A. If the reading is too high, increase the shim pack between the differential flange side of the case and the axle housing (opposite the adjusting nut side).
B. If the reading is too low, decrease the shim pack between the differential flange side of the case and the axle housing (opposite the adjusting nut side).
5. Adjust the side bearing preload. Refer to SIDE BEARING PRELOAD ADJUSTMENT.