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RPO UPO-Remote

Press EJECT or RCL and insert the compact disc (CD) in order to load a CD with the ignition off. If the ignition is on, but the radio is off, the tape will begin playing. Note the CD symbol shown in the center of the graphic display whenever a CD is inserted. Use the VOL, FADE, TREB, and BASS controls as described for the radio.

Use the following procedure in order to operate the PREV function:
1. Press SEEK down or PREV in order to search for the previous selection. A minimum 3 second blank gap is required for proper operation. The tape direction arrow blinks and audio is muted during SEEK operation.
2. Hold this button or press it more than once in order to advance the tape.

Press PROG in order to play the other side of the tape. The tape direction will reverse.

Use the following procedure in order to operate the NEXT function:
1. Press SEEK up or NEXT in order to search for the next selection.
2. Hold this button or press it more than once in order to advance the cassette further. Note the indicator NEXT in the graphic display. The audio is muted in this mode.

Press and hold the REV button in order to return rapidly to a favorite passage. This is an audible search at a high rate of speed.
Release REV in order to resume play at a normal speed.

Noise reduction is active at all times with a tape inserted in the remote cassette.

Press and hold FWD in order to advance quickly within a track. This is an audible search at a high rate of speed.
Release FWD in order to resume play at normal speed.

Use the following procedure in order to switch between the cd and the radio after you insert a cd:
1. Press the AM FM buttons. The radio will play.
2. Go back to the cd function by pressing TAPE AUX.

Press the EJECT button in order to remove the cd.
The radio will play. EJECT may be activated with either the ignition or the radio OFF.