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Cruise Control Servo Cable: Service and Repair


1. Remove the engine cover.
2. Disconnect the cruise control cable from the throttle linkage.
3. Remove the cruise control cable conduit from the cable bracket.
4. Remove the cable conduit from the HVAC module.
5. Remove the cable conduit from the cruise control module housing.

Attaching Cable To Cruise Control Module Ribbon:

IMPORTANT: Do not allow the ribbon to retract into the module assembly.

6. Disconnect the cable bead from the end of the ribbon.
7. Remove the cruise control cable from the vehicle.


1. Remove all bends and twists from the cruise control module ribbon and cable, by rotating until removed.

Attaching Cable To Cruise Control Module Ribbon:

^ Do not twist the cruise control module ribbon.
^ Pull the cable to verify retention.

2. Attach the cable bead to the cruise control module ribbon.

3. Check the orientation of the ribbon buckle to the cable end fitting.
4. Feed the buckle into the cable end fitting.

IMPORTANT: Do not twist the ribbon

5. Snap the cable fitting (3) into the cruise control module (4).

^ Verify that the mounting tabs are fully engaged.
^ Pull on the ribbon to verify retention.

6. To install a new cable, pull the cruise control cable ferrule through the opposite end of the fitting.
The ferrule color is natural and must be visible when pulled through the fitting.

Attaching The Cable To The Throttle Body:

7. From inside the vehicle, snap the cable fitting onto the nail head stud on the throttle body linkage.
8. Route the cable core wire through the slot in the round hole of the accelerator bracket.

IMPORTANT: Verify that the cable fitting locking tabs are expanded, and that the tabs are locked in the accelerator bracket hole.

9. Insert the cruise control cable conduit fitting into the round hole in the accelerator bracket.

10. When installing a new cable or adjusting an old cable, engage the lock on the conduit adjuster. The white paint mark will disappear when the adjuster is locked.
11. Install the cable conduit to the HVAC module by placing the conduit inside the module clip and snapping the clip closed.
12. Perform the Cruise Control System Functional Test. Refer to Cruise Control Inoperative.

13. If the cruise control cable requires adjustment, release the lock on the conduit adjuster as follows.
13.1. Gently squeeze the tabs on the adjuster plunger.
13.2. Pull upward on the adjuster plunger.
14. After completing the adjustment, reseat the lock.
15. Install the engine cover.