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Crankshaft Balancer Clean and Inspect

1. Clean the crankshaft balancer in solvent.

CAUTION: Wear safety glasses in order to avoid eye damage.

2. Dry the crankshaft balancer with compressed air.
3. Inspect the crankshaft balancer for the following:
^ Loose or improperly installed balance weights. A properly installed balance weight should be installed until flush or below flush with the face of the crankshaft balancer.
^ Worn, grooved, or damaged crankshaft balancer hub seal surface
A crankshaft balancer hub seal surface with excessive scoring, grooves, rust, or other damage must be replaced.
Minor imperfections on the crankshaft balancer hub seal surface may be removed with a polishing compound or fine grade emery cloth.
^ Worn, chunking, or deteriorated rubber between the crankshaft balancer hub and pulley
^ Worn or damaged crankshaft balancer keyway
^ Damaged bolt threads

4. Inspect for a worn or damaged crankshaft balancer key.