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With Heater System - Rear

1. CHECK the condition of the HTR - A/C FUSE (Fuse 12). If the Fuse is open, LOCATE and REPAIR the source of the overload and REPLACE the Fuse. Note: If this Fuse is open the Rear Heater Blower Motor and the front Blower Motor will not be operable either.
2. CHECK the condition of the RR HEAT/A/C MAXI FUSE M2. If the Fuse is open. LOCATE and REPAIR the source of the overload in one of the following areas: Rear Heater Blower, Rear A/C blower or the Heater and A/C Control Valve Solenoid (rear hot water valve).
3. CHECK the condition and seating of the A/C REL (Rear).
4. CHECK the connection at the Rear Heater Blower Motor Resistor Pack and the Blower Motor ground.