Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Paint - Anti Chip Coatings

Number : 84-85

Section: 10 (I)

Date : Mar., 1984

Model and Year: 1976-84 ALL MODELS

Most late model vehicles have either a smooth anti-chip (gravel guard) material or the more familiar textured type applied to the lower front fenders, rocker panels and quarter panels.

In the case of smooth anti-chip, because of its smooth appearance, it is very difficult to detect.

Anti Chip Coatings:

One (1) method of detecting its presence is to check the film build in the areas that require protection (see illustration). Normal unprotected exterior finishes have a total film build between 3.0 and 4.0 mils while protected areas have a range of 5.0 to 11.0 mils.
When repairing existing anti-chip or adding anti-chip material where there was none, the following guides will aid in achieving either a smooth or textured finish. In any case, manufacturer's label directions should be read prior to application.

Type of Finish Adjustment

Smoother (Less Texture) more thinner and/or
increase gun distance

Uneven (More Texture) Less thinner and/or
decrease gun distance

Tighter Pattern Decrease air pressure
and/or gun distance

Wider Pattern Increase air pressure
and/or gun distance