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Differential Case Overhaul

Fig. 1 Exploded view of Borg Warner 4 pinion standard differential:

1. Remove ring gear attaching bolts, then the ring gear from differential housing.
2. Drive out three differential pinion cross shaft retaining pins, Fig. 1, using a suitable punch.
3. Drive three differential pinion shafts from housing using a suitable punch. Remove long pinion shaft first.
4. Scribe alignment marks on differential case halves, then separate differential case halves by holding one side and tapping against other side with a soft hammer.
5. Remove four differential pinions, side gears and thrust washers from housing.
6. Remove differential case bearings using tool J-22888-D or equivalent.
7. Inspect components. Refer to Cleaning & Inspection. Cleaning & Inspection
8. Lubricate all gears and thrust washers with suitable lubricant.
9. Install side gear thrust washers in differential case. Hold washers in position with grease.
10. Install side gear in large half of differential case.
11. Install thrust block in case, then drive long pinion cross shaft through case, pinion and thrust block bores. Align retainer pin hole with hole in case. Use caution not to damage differential pinion thrust washers.
12. Install two remaining pinions and thrust washers in large half of differential case. Drive two short pinion cross shafts through case, pinions and into thrust block bores. Align retainer pin hole with hole in case.
13. Install three cross shaft retaining pins through case and shafts. Ensure long cross shaft retaining pin extends 6 mm from case.
14. Install remaining side gear and thrust washer in small case half.
15. Install side gear through case bore, then align case halves on retaining pin. Rotate side gear to ensure that gears are meshing.
16. Install ring gear and ring gear attaching bolts onto housing. Torque ring gear attaching bolts to 101 ft. lbs.
17. Press differential bearings on housing journals using tool J-21784 or equivalent.

Fig. 2 Exploded view of Borg Warner 4 pinion limited slip differential:

1. Remove ring gear attaching bolts, then the ring gear from differential housing.
2. Scribe alignment marks on differential case halves, then remove differential housing half attaching bolts and separate halves.
3. Scribe alignment marks on brake cones and shims, then remove pinion shaft, four differential pinions, thrust washer side gears, side gear shims if required, spring plates, compression springs and brake cones from housing, Fig. 2. Discard used compression springs.
4. Remove differential bearing using tool J-22888-D or equivalent.
5. Inspect components as outlined in ``Cleaning & Inspection'' and replace as required.
6. Install brake cones in case, then select correct side gear positioning shim as follows:
a. With brake cones fully seated, measure distance from case mating surface to flat surface on brake cone.
b. If distance is 1.155---1.162 inches, no shims are required. If distance is 1.163---1.167 inches, .005 inch shim is required. If distance is 1.168---1.172 inches, .010 inch shim is required.
c. Remove brake cones.
7. Apply suitable lubricant to both sides of pinion thrust washers, pinion bores and differential pinion shafts.
8. Install four pinions and spherical thrust washers.
9. Install brake cones, shims (if required) and side gear in cap half of differential case, then apply suitable lubricant to face of side gear. If cone or case is defective, they should be replaced as an assembly.
10. Install spring plate on side gear with convex side towards flange half.
11. Install differential pinion shaft, pinions and spherical thrust washers into cap half of differential case with pinions meshing with side gear.
12. Install three new concentric thrust washer springs through center of pinion shaft spider, then assemble second spring plate and spring with convex side toward springs.
13. Apply suitable lubricant to other side gear face, then install side gear shim, if required.
14. Install brake cone on spring plate.
15. Install flange half of case on top of assembly. Ensure oil channels are aligned.
16. Install two case attaching bolts 180° apart and tighten finger tight.
17. Align side gear and brake cone splines with axle shafts. Install clamp on one axle shaft so 3 inches extends beyond clamp.
18. Install differential housing on axle shaft splines, flanged half first.
19. Install remaining axle shaft through cap side of differential case, aligning side gear and cone splines.
20. Install remaining case attaching bolts. Torque bolts to 29 ft. lbs.
21. Install ring gear and ring gear attaching bolts. Torque attaching bolts to 101 ft. lbs.
22. Install differential bearings using tool J-21784 or equivalent.