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System Limitations

Self-Inertial Navigation limitations
The limitations of the self-inertial portion of the navigation system (the yaw rate sensor and the vehicle speed signal) can cause some discrepancies between the vehicle's actual position and the indicated vehicle position (GPS vehicle position). However, if GPS signals cannot be received, you must tune the vehicle position manually.

The following circumstances may cause vehicle positioning errors:
- Moving the vehicle with the engine stopped, such as by ferry or tow truck, or if the vehicle is spun on a turn table
- Tire slippage, changes in tire rolling diameters, and some driving situations may cause discrepancies in travel distances. Examples of this include:
- Continuous tire slippage on a slippery surface
- Driving with snow chains mounted
- Abnormal tire pressure
- Incorrect tire size
- Frequent lane changes across a wide highway
- Continuous driving on a straight or gently curving highway

- Tolerances in the system and map inaccuracies sometimes limit how precisely the vehicle position is indicated. Examples of this include:
- Driving on roads not shown on the map (map matching is not possible)
- Driving on a road that winds in one direction, such as a loop bridge, an interchange, or a spiral parking garage
- Driving on a road with a series of sharp hair-pin turns
- Driving on one of two close parallel roads
- After making many 90 degree turns

Global Positioning System (GPS) Limitations
The GPS cannot detect the vehicle's position during the following instances:
- For the first 5 to 10 minutes after reconnecting the battery
- When the satellite signals are blocked by tall building, mountains, tunnels, large trees, or large trucks
- When the GPS antenna is blocked by something on the dashboard
- When there is no satellite signal output (Signal output is sometimes stopped for satellite servicing)
- When the satellite signals are blocked by the operation of some electronic after market accessories.

The accuracy of GPS is reduced during these instances:
- When only two satellite signals can be received (Three satellite signals are required for accurate positioning)
- When the satellite control centers are experiencing problems

LCD Display Unit Limitations
- In cold temperatures, the display may stay dark for the first 2 or 3 minutes until it warms up.
- When the display is too hot because of direct summer sunlight, it will remain dark until the temperature drops.
- When the humidity is high and the interior temperature is low, the display may appear cloudy. The display will clear up after some use.
- Finger prints on the touch panel may sometimes be noticeable because of the panel's low-reflection coating. When cleaning the panel, wipe it gently with a soft cloth. To avoid scratching the panel, do not rub too hard.
- The touch panel is an infrared system, so there is no need to press hard. If a touch switch does not function immediately, shift your finger slightly on the switch, and touch it again.