Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Rocker Arms and Shaft Inspection

Measure the intake rocker shaft and exhaust rocker shaft.

1. Measure the diameter of the shaft at the first rocker location.

2. Zero the gauge (A) to the shaft diameter.

3. Measure the inside diameter of the rocker arm, and check it for an out-of-round condition.

Rocker Arm-to-Shaft Clearance:
Standard (New): 0.026 - 0.067 mm (0.0010 - 0.0026 inch)
Service Limit: 0.067 mm (0.0026 inch)
Standard (New): 0.026 - 0.077 mm (0.0010 - 0.0030 inch)
Service Limit: 0.077 mm (0.0030 inch)

4. Repeat for all rockers and both shafts. If the clearance is over the limit, replace the rocker shaft and all over tolerance rocker arms. If any intake rocker arm needs replacement, replace both rocker arms in that set (primary and secondary).

VTEC Rocker Arms

5. Inspect the rocker arm piston (A). Push it manually. If it does not move smoothly, replace the rocker arm assembly.

- Apply oil to the pistons when reassembling.
- When reassembling the primary rocker arm (B), carefully apply air pressure to the oil passage of the rocker arm.