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Checking Seat Belt, Buckles, Retractors, Anchors and Adjusters

Checking Seat Belts, Buckles, Retractors, Anchors and Adjusters
Check the seat belt buckles, webbing, retractors, anchors and adjusters. Replace any seat belt assembly as necessary. Refer to SB-12, "Seat Belt Inspection". Seat Belt Systems
^ Check the seat belt anchors for loose mounting bolts, damage, or excessive wear.
^ Check the seat belt webbing for any damage, cuts, fraying, or excessive wear.
^ Check the retractor for smooth operation.
^ Check the function of the buckles by inserting the seat belt tongue and checking for proper engagement of the buckle and press the button on the buckle to check for proper release of the seat belt tongue.

^ After any collision, inspect all seat belt assemblies, including retractors and other attached components, such as the guide rail set. NISSAN recommends replacing all seat belt assemblies in use during a collision, unless they are not damaged and are inspected to confirm they are operating properly after a minor collision.
Also inspect all seat belt assemblies that are not in use during a collision, and replace any components if damaged or not operating properly. The seat belt pre-tensioner should be replaced even if the seat belts are not in use during a frontal collision where the driver and passenger air bags have been deployed.
^ If any component of the seat belt assembly is suspected of being damaged or not operating properly, do not repair the component. Replace the components as an assembly.
^ If the seat belt webbing is cut, frayed, or damaged then replace the seat belt assembly.
^ Never lubricate the seat belt buckle or tongue.
^ When replacing any seat belt assembly always use a Genuine NISSAN seat belt assembly.