Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Front Door: Description and Operation

Doors are of welded, mild steel frames welded to the door panels; sponge rubber primary and secondary seals are mounted on the doors. Internal insulation is provided by a foam water shedder attached to the door by press fitting and double-sided adhesive tape.

Front and rear door armrests are attached to supports riveted to each door frame; the attaching screws are fitted with access covers. Upper and lower trim pads and a door pocket are attached to each of the doors by clips and screws. multi-plug connectors are used to provide a means of connecting the guard lamps, window lift switches and loudspeakers, external mirror and regulator (front doors only), which are housed within the doors.

Central locking is provided subject to market variations: Dead Locking for UK/Europe and Driver only unlock for N America. Door locks are eight disc, bayonet fixing, barrels with integral lock/unlock switches. Keys include 'in-key' transponder which are programmed to the vehicle via the Jaguar Diagnostic System also operate the engine immobilization system.

CAUTION: When removing the door panel water shedder, a foam membrane attached to each door panel by a combination of press fitting (upper area) and by double-sided tape (bottom area), it is important that the shedder is refitted correctly to maintain the water seal.

It is advisable not to disturb the bottom (taped) portion of the water shedder unless absolutely necessary
- it is possible to unclip the top of the shedder and bend it over to gain access to the inner panel.

If it is necessary to disturb the bottom attachment, e.g. to remove the water shedder from the door panel, the existing water shedder must be discarded and a new one fitted to ensure that the seal is maintained. On refitting, the new water shedder should be pressed onto the door panel at the top and then the adhesive tape backing strip peeled off to enable the shedder to be pressed home at the bottom.